ABSTRACT. The beehive as a quantitative monitor of pesticide residues applied over a soybean crop was studied through a semi field experiment of controlled exposure of honey bees to pesticides in macro tunnels. The distribution within exposed beehives of pesticides commonly used in soybean plantation, was assessed. Residue levels of insecticides in soybean leaves, honey bees, wax, honey and pollen were analyzed. The transference from pesticides present in the environment into the beehive was evidenced. The obtained results allow relating pesticide concentrations present in the environment with traces found in foraging bees. Therefore, pesticide transference ratios could be calculated for each detected compound (acetamiprid, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam) which showed a linear inverse trend with their 1-octanol/water partition coefficient (Kow). The least transferred pesticide to the hive (acetamiprid) has the highest vapor pressure (Vp). This study gives new insights on the usefulness of monitoring the environment through beehives aiming to evaluate if agroecosystems remain sustainable. It also contributes to generate valuable information for model building aiming to predict environmental quality through beehive's analysis. © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.