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Pasturas de rotación larga. Pastura de Alfalfa Chaná y Festuca mediterránea línea experimental con diferentes sistemas de siembra.

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En nuestros sistemas de producción de forraje, las pasturas de rotación larga que incluyen alfalfa normalmente se realizan en forma pura o en mezcla con Dactylis o con festucas de tipo continental de ciclo largo de forma de acompasar el crecimiento de las especies constituyentes de la mezcla y tratar de balancear de alguna forma el aporte de forraje.

Relevance of farm-scale indicators and tools for farmers to assess sustainability of their mixed crop-ruminant livestock systems.

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ABSTRACT.- Ensuring the sustainability and circularity of mixed crop-ruminant livestock systems is essential if they are to deliver on the enhancement of long-term productivity and profitability with a smaller footprint. The objectives of this study were to select indicators in the environmental, economic and social dimensions of sustainability of crop-livestock systems, to assess if these indicators are relevant in the operational schedule of farmers, and to score the indicators in these farm systems.

Jornada lechería INIA LE. Tecnologías para sistemas pastoriles eficientes y sostenibles.

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CONTENIDO:1.- Adelantándonos al futuro:factores clave para el éxito y viabilidd del ordeñe robotizado en sistemas pastoriles. (Lucía Betancor y Marcelo Pla). -- 2.- Plan de manejo en el periparto para lograr buenos indicadores reproductivos. (Karen C. Freitas, Gustavo D. A. Gastal). -- 3.- Balance predial y estrategias para aumentar la eficiencia de utilización de nitrógeno y reducir el riesgo de pérdidas al ambiente. (Sofía Stirling, Agustín Núñez, Valentina Rubio, Fernando A. Lattanzi). -- 4.- ¿Hay diferencias productivas y económicas por concentrar y/o mover la época de parto?.

A comprehensive analysis of the environmental performance of the Uruguayan agricultural sector.

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ABSTRACT.- Ensuring food production while enhancing environmental sustainability is a critical challenge in the 21st century. Quantitative descriptions of environmental performance at the farm level are essential for evaluating agricultural production, aligning with climate and biodiversity goals, and facilitating sustainable transitions. However, many existing indicators and proxies rely on costly field-collected data with limited spatial generalization.

Characterization of the population structure and genetic diversity of a Chinese soybean diversity panel. [abstract]

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Soybean is a major commodity crop in Uruguay, and genetic diversity is essential for crop breeding programs to achieve genetic gain, adaptation, and stability. In this study, the genetic diversity and population structure of a soybean diversity panel from China were characterized by the Soybean Breeding Program of the National Institute of Agricultural Research of Uruguay (ISBP) in order to assess its potential for use in the program.

Assessment of grain quality traits in a Chinese soybean diversity panel. [abstract].

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Soybean grain quality with high protein and oil content is in high demand by domestic and international markets. The National Agricultural Research Institute of Uruguay (INIA) soybean breeding program aims to develop varieties that can meet those requirements.