Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria
Bioethanol production from sweet sorghum: Evaluation of post-harvest treatments on sugar extraction and fermentation.
ABSTRACT. Three experimental sweet sorghum varieties (M81, Topper and Theis) and three post-harvest conditions were evaluated for ethanol production: juices extracted by milling were obtained from the whole plant, plant without panicle, and stalk (plant without panicle and leaves), respectively. A linear relationship was found between the total fermentable sugar concentrations and Brix degrees of the juices, which can predict the potential ethanol yield by field analytical tests.
Breeding system of the aerial flowers in an amphicarpic clover species: Trifolium polymorphum
Two perennial Trifolium, T. polymorphum Poir. and T. argentinense Speg., are American clovers unique within the genus for being amphicarpic. There is no consensus in the literature regarding the breeding system of the aerial flowers of T. polymorphum, therefore, the breeding system was studied. In 1997 T. polymorphum was collected in Uruguay and evaluated at INIA Tacuarembó. In 2001, 10 field patches were marked and in 2004, 20 plants per patch were characterized with simple sequence repeat markers.
Introduction, distribution and habitats of the invasive spider Badumna longinqua (L.Koch, 1867) (Araneae: Desidae) in Uruguay, with notes on its world dispersion
In Uruguay, Badumna longinqua is an invasive species arising from Australia. Phoresy by human activities and strong adaptation to synantropic sites have been the main factors that have contributed to the dispersal of this species to other countries. In this study, we analysed the dispersion of B. longinqua in Uruguay using voucher specimens deposited in Uruguayan arachnological collections and new field captures. A logistic regression was performed to evaluate the relationship of this species with the studied habitats. We found individuals of B.
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