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Optimización de tecnologías en cultivos:aportes desde la investigación.

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El sistema agrícola uruguayo ha transitado por cambios importantes en los últimos tiempos, de estar basado en rotaciones agrícola-pastoriles a rotaciones agrícolas de dobte cultivo en siembra directa. Esto implicó una mayor extracción de nutrientes (requiriendo mayor reposición) e intensidad de uso del suelo.

HRAC Group 9 (Legacy G) Resistant tall waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus (=A. rudis)). Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase HRAC Group 9 (Legacy G). Uruguay. [web database].

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INTRODUCTION:Tall Waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus (=A. rudis)) is a dicot weed in the Amaranthaceae family. In Uruguay this weed first evolved resistance to Group 9 (Legacy G) herbicides in 2022 and infests Corn (maize), and Soybean. Group 9 (Legacy G) herbicides are known as Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (Inhibition of EPSP synthase). Research has shown that these particular biotypes are resistant to glyphosate and they may be cross-resistant to other Group 9 (Legacy G) herbicides.Copyright © 1993- 2022 All rights reserved.

Silicon accumulation suppresses arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal colonisation in the model grass Brachypodium distachyon.

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ABSTRACT.- Purpose:Silicon (Si) accumulation by grasses alleviates diverse biotic and abiotic stresses. Despite this important functional role, we have limited understanding of how root microbial symbionts, such as arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, affect Si uptake and even less about how Si supply and accumulation affect AM fungal colonisation. Our objective was to determine the nature of this two-way interaction in the model grass, Brachypodium distachyon. Methods:We grew B.

Informe agroclimático 2022- Situación a Noviembre.

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Contenido. Síntesis de la Situación Agroclimática de Noviembre-- Perspectivas Climáticas Trimestrales elaboradas por el IRI de la Universidad de Columbia (Más información puede encontrarse en el sitio del IRI: -- Índice de Vegetación (NDVI) -- Precipitaciones -- Porcentaje de Agua Disponible (PAD) -- Agua No Retenida (ANR) -- Índice de Bienestar Hídrico (IBH) -- Perspectivas Climáticas Dic-Ene-Feb elaboradas por el IRI de la Universidad de Columbia. Destacamos para este mes:INIA Termoestrés.

Refuge areas favor the presence of predators and herbivores in Bt soybean: a landscape perspective.

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ABSTRACT.- Soybean plants that express various insecticidal proteins of the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis have been widely adopted globally in many crop systems. This technology effectively controls the main defoliating pest species in most countries and reduces insecticide spray requirements. However, widespread use of Bt crops also generates high selection pressure against pest populations, leading to resistance concerns. Refuge areas are established to delay this phenomenon, but little is known about their other ecological functions.

Refuge areas favor the presence of predators and herbivores in Bt soybean:a landscape perspective.

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ABSTRACT.- Soybean plants that express various insecticidal proteins of the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis have been widely adopted globally in many crop systems. This technology effectively controls the main defoliating pest species in most countries and reduces insecticide spray requirements. However, widespread use of Bt crops also generates high selection pressure against pest populations, leading to resistance concerns. Refuge areas are established to delay this phenomenon, but little is known about their other ecological functions.

Biology of immature stages and host range characteristics of sudauleutes bosqi (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), a candidate biological control agent of exotic Ludwigia spp. in the USA.

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ABSTRACT.- South American invasive plants in the genus Ludwigia (Onagraceae) degrade many riparian and aquatic ecosystems worldwide. Biological control may aid in the management of these exotic weeds, but data on the host specificity of Ludwigia natural enemies is limited. The biology and host range of Sudauleutes bosqi Hustache (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), an herbivore of Ludwigia spp. in South America, was studied to determine its suitability as a biological control agent for 3 exotic Ludwigia spp. (targets) in the US. © 2022 Florida Entomological Society. All rights reserved.