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Miércoles 04.11.2020 - Viernes 06.11.2020
INIA La Estanzuela
INIA Las Brujas
INIA Salto Grande
INIA Tacuarembó
INIA Treinta y Tres
INIA Dirección Nacional
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Experimentation in the design of public policies: the uruguayan soils conservation plans. Research article.

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ABSTRACT. Agricultural intensification in Latin America has led to accelerated soil erosion, water pollution and food with pesticide residues, which are all signs of unsustainable development. In Uruguay, agricultural intensification with continuous cropping has threatened the country?s primary natural resource: its soil. At the same time, incentives for further intensification and specialization are high, since particularly soybeans have offered the highest (short-term) economic margins.

Experimentation in the design of public policies:the uruguayan soils conservation plans. Research article.

Enviado por Anónimo (no verificado) el

ABSTRACT. Agricultural intensification in Latin America has led to accelerated soil erosion, water pollution and food with pesticide residues, which are all signs of unsustainable development. In Uruguay, agricultural intensification with continuous cropping has threatened the country?s primary natural resource:its soil. At the same time, incentives for further intensification and specialization are high, since particularly soybeans have offered the highest (short-term) economic margins.

INIA 10 impactos 2020.

Enviado por Anónimo (no verificado) el

Contenido: Experimentos a largo plazo:57 años de información al servicio del productor y de las políticas públicas. -- Soja:Mejorando el tercer producto de mayor exportación del país. -- Confusión sexual:Métodos naturales para combatir plagas en frutales. -- Pasturas:Mejorando el recurso más económico y resiliente del Uruguay. -- Corriedale PRO y Merilin PLUS:Razas ovinas prolíficas con sello uruguayo. -- Tomates con sello INIA:Resistentes a virus y con mejores características productivas. -- Plagas en eucalyptus:Una alternativa sostenible y natural su control.