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Informe agroclimático 2021- Situación a Abril.

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Contenido. Síntesis de la Situación Agroclimática de Abril-- Perspectivas Climáticas Trimestrales elaboradas por el IRI de la Universidad de Columbia -- Índice de Vegetación (NDVI) -- Precipitaciones -- Porcentaje de Agua Disponible (PAD) -- Índice de Bienestar Hídrico (IBH) -- Agua No Retenida (ANR) -- Perspectivas Climáticas -May-Jun-Jul elaboradas por el IRI de la Universidad de Columbia. Destacamos para este mes:Monitoreo por sección policial. Link directo:

Informe agroclimático 2021- Situación a Mayo.

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Contenido. Síntesis de la Situación Agroclimática de Mayo-- Perspectivas Climáticas Trimestrales elaboradas por el IRI de la Universidad de Columbia -- Índice de Vegetación (NDVI) -- Precipitaciones -- Porcentaje de Agua Disponible (PAD) -- Índice de Bienestar Hídrico (IBH) -- Agua No Retenida (ANR) -- Perspectivas Climáticas -Jun-Jul-Ago elaboradas por el IRI de la Universidad de Columbia. Destacamos para este mes:Previsión de condiciones para la ocurrencia de heladas. Link directo:

Seasonal Dynamics of the Honey Bee Gut Microbiota in Colonies Under Subtropical Climate:Seasonal Dynamics of Honey Bee Gut Microbiota.

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Abstract:Honey bees (Apis mellifera) provide invaluable benefts for food production and maintenance of biodiversity of natural environments through pollination. They are widely spread across the world, being adapted to diferent climatic conditions. To survive the winter in cold temperate regions, honey bees developed diferent strategies including storage of honey and pollen, confnement of individuals during the winter, and an annual cycle of colony growth and reproduction.

L925V mutation in voltage-gated sodium channel of Varroa destructor populations from Argentina and Uruguay, with different degree of susceptibility to pyrethroids.

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ABSTRACT:This study aimed to detect mutations associated with pyrethroid resistance mechanism in different populations of Varroa destructor from Uruguay and Argentina with different degree of susceptibility to this family of acaricides. Bioassays were performed to evaluate the degree of susceptibility to flumethrin and tau-fuvalinate; then mites were studied in order to determine the presence or absence of the resistance-associated mutations by sequencing a region of the sodium channel gene.

Linking livestock production and wild biodiversity:contribution of pastoral production systems to the habitat of bird priority conservation species.

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ABSTRACT - Livestock production is being questioned for its greenhouse gas emissions. However, production systems influence multiple environmental variables and, in some cases, contribute to very valuable environmental services. This work summarizes information collected at 30 livestock commercial farms and four experimental fields of the Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA) allocated throughout the Uruguayan territory. A total of 231 bird species were recorded, 42 of them identified as priority conservation species.