ABSTRACT.- Newborn ruminants depend on colostrum intake immediately after birth to obtain immunoglobulins for effective transfer of passive immunity (TPI). As colostrum may also be a vehicle of infectious agents, heat treatment of raw colostrum is a practice aimed at eliminating or reducing its pathogen load. Despite the usefulness of heat treatment in preventing the transmission of infectious colostrum-borne diseases, heat treatment of colostrum may have some side effects. A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted to summarize the effects of colostrum heat treatment on its viscosity and IgG concentration, and serum IgG concentration as a proxy for TPI in newborn calves fed raw versus heat-treated colostrum. Moderators were studied to identify sources of heterogeneity. Literature databases were searched for peer-reviewed articles published between 1946 and 2022. A Master of Science thesis was also included. Five, 21, and 19 original publications were quantitatively evaluated in 3 separate meta-analyses, based on predefined selection criteria. Two-level and 3-level random effects meta-analysis revealed a significant overall effect of heat treatment on colostral viscosity and IgG concentration, and serum IgG concentration in newborns. © 2023 American Dairy Science Association