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Opportunities for mitigating net system greenhouse gas emissions in Southeast Asian rice production:A systematic review.

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ABSTRACT.- Southeast Asia (SEA) is a key producer and exporter of rice, accounting for around 28% of rice produced globally. To effectively mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in SEA rice systems, field methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions have been intensively studied. However, an integrated assessment of system-level GHG emissions which includes other carbon (C) balance components, such as soil organic carbon (SOC) or energy use, that can positively or negatively influence the net capacity for climate change mitigation is lacking.

Opportunities for mitigating net system greenhouse gas emissions in Southeast Asian rice production: A systematic review.

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ABSTRACT.- Southeast Asia (SEA) is a key producer and exporter of rice, accounting for around 28% of rice produced globally. To effectively mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in SEA rice systems, field methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions have been intensively studied. However, an integrated assessment of system-level GHG emissions which includes other carbon (C) balance components, such as soil organic carbon (SOC) or energy use, that can positively or negatively influence the net capacity for climate change mitigation is lacking.

Enhancing ellagitannin production in pecans and strawberry fruits through pre-harvest biotic stresses.

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ABSTRACT.- Purpose of Review:This review intends to examine the role of phytochemicals in plant defense mechanisms against environmental stresses and their potential health benefits. Specifically, it aims to explore how pre-harvest insect damage can enhance the production of phytochemicals in pecan and strawberries fruits. Additionally, the review intends to examine the regulation of plant phenolics and ellagitannin derivatives through signal transduction pathways and how these pathways are influenced by biotic stresses.

Principios generales para entender cómo ocurren las resistencias en las malezas. Características de las malezas y herbicidas que favorecen a la resistencia. [presentación oral]

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Guía de la presentación:Introducción. -- Contexto, definiciones, evolución. -- Factores que llevan a la resistencia de malezas a herbicidas. -- Malezas, herbicidas y factor "humano". -- Consideraciones finales.

Managing grass height for birds and livestock:Insights from the Río de la Plata grasslands.

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ABSTRACT.- Success in conserving biodiversity in rangelands depends on effectively managing the systems to achieve positive economic outcomes while preserving biodiversity. In the native grasslands of the Río de la Plata region, livestock production often falls below its potential due to low forage availability. Cattle management strategies that promote taller grass height can increase forage mass without replacing native vegetation, enhancing cattle dry matter intake and potentially boosting production. Nonetheless, the impact of such changes on grassland bird populations remains unclear.

Managing grass height for birds and livestock: Insights from the Río de la Plata grasslands.

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ABSTRACT.- Success in conserving biodiversity in rangelands depends on effectively managing the systems to achieve positive economic outcomes while preserving biodiversity. In the native grasslands of the Río de la Plata region, livestock production often falls below its potential due to low forage availability. Cattle management strategies that promote taller grass height can increase forage mass without replacing native vegetation, enhancing cattle dry matter intake and potentially boosting production. Nonetheless, the impact of such changes on grassland bird populations remains unclear.

Luego de la seca el año Niño suma desafíos para el manejo de malezas. [entrevista]

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INIA advierte por el mayor remanente de semillas del verano pasado, que se suman a las que ya estaban, además la humedad genera condiciones ideales para su desarrollo. En un escenario de mayor disponibilidad hídrica y luego de la última sequía, se vislumbra un año más complejo para el control de malezas de verano en función del gran banco de semillas presente en el suelo.

El desempeño ambiental rural de Uruguay:una evaluación a partir de indicadores sinópticos.

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En el marco de una iniciativa impulsada en el año 2021 por el Ministerio de Ambiente (MA) y el de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca (MGAP) se trabajó entre el sector político y académico en la definición de una serie de indicadores de la "Huella Ambiental" de la ganadería. Entre ellos, se definieron cinco indicadores sinópticos de sostenibilidad ambiental basados en datos provistos por sensores remotos. En este trabajo se muestra la variación de su desempeño a nivel de sección policial.