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Efficient implementation of random regression models for dairy cattle genomic evaluations. [1141 - abstract].

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ABSTRACT.- Random regression models (RRM) with ssGBLUP are used worldwide for dairy cattle genetic evaluations. This study aimed to improve the efficiency of implementing RRM with ssGBLUP for national dairy evaluations using the BLUPF90 software suite and to test a method to approximate reliabilities with genomic information.

Approximating reliabilities of indirect predictions based on SNP effects from large single-step genomic best linear unbiased prediction evaluations. [1520 - abstract].

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ABSTRACT.- With the algorithm for proven and young (APY), the computing cost of ssGBLUP is linear with the number of noncore animals and cubic with the number of core, which is less than 20K for single breed and 50k for multibreed evaluations.

Effect of defoliation frequency on the nutritive value of the regrowth of tall fescue. [2215 - abstract].

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ABSTRACT.- Knowledge of the factors that influence the composition of grass is essential for its proper management in pasture-based dairy systems, thus increasing its productivity. An experiment was carried out to study the evolution of chemical composition and nutritional value of a regrowth of tall fescue as affected by the defoliation regimen around flowering time.

Ramularia leaf spot management alternatives in barley optimizing the use of fungicides for its control: Doctoral thesis abstract. [Alternativas de manejo de ramulariosis en cebada optimizando el uso de fungicidas para su control: Resumen de tesis doctoral.].

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ABSTRACT.- Ramularia collo-cygni (Rcc) is the causal agent of Ramularia leaf spot (RLS). The main management tool is the use of foliar fungicides, the impact of which on cereal safety is unknown. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to optimise the management of ramulariosis in barley and to minimise fungicide residues in grain. -- RESUMEN.- Ramularia collo-cygni (Rcc) es el agente causal de ramulariosis. La principal medida para su manejo es la utilización de fungicidas foliares cuyo impacto en la inocuidad del grano es desconocido.

Relationship between grass height, grazing management and avifauna in livestock systems in the eastern region of Uruguay: Doctoral thesis abstract. [Relación entre la altura del pastizal, manejo del pastoreo y la avifauna en sistemas ganaderos de la región este de Uruguay: Resumen de tesis doctoral.]

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ABSTRACT.- In the natural grasslands of the Río de la Plata, where livestock production can coexist with biodiversity, effective pasture management practices play a critical role. This study combines two approaches to shed light on the relationship between livestock management and bird species. ------- RESUMEN.- En los pastizales naturales del Río de la Plata, donde la producción ganadera puede coexistir con la biodiversidad, las prácticas efectivas de manejo de pastizales desempeñan un papel crítico.

Olive-tree physiological response to biotic and abiotic stress fruit yield, oil quality and tolerance to Anthracnose:Doctoral thesis abstract. [Respuesta fisiológica del olivo a estrés biótico y abiótico: rendimiento, calidad del aceite y tolerancia a antracnosis:Resumen de tesis doctoral.].

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ABSTRACT.- The olive tree is highly tolerant to water deficit and in humid climate regions, such as Uruguay, the need to irrigation is questioned. However, Uruguay's climate is characterized by high interannual variability, resulting in periods of water deficit. In the event of a water deficit, plants trigger a series of defense mechanisms to maintain cellular homeostasis, including increased antioxidant enzyme activity and cuticle thickening to prevent transpiration.

Degradación de las interacciones micorrícicas en pastizales como mecanismo de invasión de Cynodon dactylon. [resumen]

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En Uruguay el campo natural (CN) representa el sustento de la ganadería extensiva. Entre las prácticas de intensificación productiva, se encuentran los mejoramientos extensivos (CNM; fertilización con fósforo y siembra de leguminosas) para incrementar la calidad de forraje. E