Rotational rice systems, involving pastures, other crops and/or livestock, are common in temperate South America, exemplified by the rice-pasture-livestock system of Uruguay which combines very high rice yields with tight nitrogen (N) balances. The generally good nutrient use efficiency in these systems provides a template for nutrient management in other mixed farming systems, if the underlying processes can be sufficiently well quantified and understood. Here, we studied N balances in rice-non-rice rotations in a long-term experiment in Uruguay, with the aim of parameterizing and testing the DNDC model of N dynamics for such systems for use in future work. The experiment includes three rotations:continuous rice (RI-CONT), rice-soybean (RI-SOY) and rice-pasture (RI-PAST). We considered 9 years of data on N balances (NBAL), defined as all N inputs minus all N outputs; N surplus (NSURP), defined as all N inputs minus only N outputs in food products; and N use efficiency (NUE), defined as the fraction of N inputs removed in food products. We parameterized DNDC against measured yield and input and output data, with missing data on N losses inferred from the N balance and compared with literature values. The model performance was assessed using standard indices of mean error, agreement and efficiency. © 2023 Castillo, Kirk, Rivero, Fabini, Terra, Ayala, Roel, Irisarri and Haefele.