ABSTRACT.- Animal performance, carcass and meat quality characteristics of beef cull cows under different feeding strategies were compared. Cows were assigned to one of four grazing treatments combining different levels of forage allowance (FA) and supplementation rate (%of body weight, BW) using rice bran (RB):T1= FA2 % + RB0,T2 = FA4 % + RB0, T3= FA2 %+ RB 0.8 % and T4 = FA2 % + RB 1.6 %. Cows from T1 presented lower (P 0.05). Nonetheless, differences between treatments were found in n6 and n3 fatty acid contents (P 0.05). Sin embargo, se observaron diferencias en el contenido de los ácidos grasosn6 y n3 (P 0.05). No entanto, foram encontradas diferenças entre os tratamentos nos teores de ácidos graxos n6 e n3 (P
Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria