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Impact of adding tannins or medium-chain fatty acids in a dairy cow diet on variables of in vitro fermentation using a rumen simulation technique (RUSITEC) system.

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This work aimed to evaluate the effect of including 2 functional feed ingredients in a diet with a high proportion of pasture silage on in vitro ruminal fermentation, nutrient disappearances, and ruminal microbiomes.

Optimización de PCR en tiempo real con curvas de disociación para la detección de la mutación causante de deficiencia de colesterol en bovinos Holando. [Optimization of Real-Time PCR-melting for detection of the Cholesterol-deficiency mutation in Holstein Friesian cattle].

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RESUMEN:El objetivo de este estudio fue optimizar un análisis mediante PCR en tiempo real con curvas de disociación para la detección confiable y económica del inserto mutante de 7,5 Kb del elemento transponible bovino BoERVK en el exón 5 del gen de la Apolipoproteína B (APOB), determinante de la deficiencia de colesterol - CD - (OMIA 001965-9913).

Identification and functional analysis of Cochliomyia hominivorax U6 gene promoters.

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The New World screwworm, Cochliomyia hominivorax, is an obligate parasite, which is a major pest of livestock. While the sterile insect technique was used very successfully to eradicate C. hominivorax from North and Central America, more cost-effective genetic methods will likely be needed in South America. The recent development of CRISPR/Cas9-based genetic approaches, such as homing gene drive, could provide a very efficient means for the suppression of C. hominivorax populations. One component of a drive system is the guide RNA(s) driven by a U6 gene promoter.

Impacto de la densidad de siembra en el establecimiento de Bromus auleticus Trin ex Nees en un campo natural de Basalto (Uruguay).

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El sobrepastoreo de los campos naturales ha determinado la disminución de especies nativas de alto valor forrajero, como es el caso de Bromus auleticus Trin. ex Nees en el bioma Campos. La reintroducción de especies nativas de alto valor forrajero sembradas sobre el campo natural aparece como una tecnología promisoria para la recuperación de dichos ambientes. No obstante, no ha sido suficientemente desarrollada principalmente por la falta de semilla comercial de la especie y por falta de información que oriente el manejo de la implantación.

Ensifer meliloti elite strain U143 used as alfalfa inoculant in Uruguay:Characterization and draft genome sequence.

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ABSTRACT.- Ensifer (syn. Sinorhizobium) meliloti U143 is an effective nitrogen-fixing strain isolated from Uruguayan soils. For decades, this strain has been used as an inoculant for different alfalfa cultivars. Here we report for the first time a characterization of the U143 elite strain that includes the preliminary genomic sequence, its annotation, and physiological parameters related to its symbiotic efficiency and nitrate respiration capacity. Through Illumina sequencing, the genome of the U143 strain was sequenced.

Ensifer meliloti elite strain U143 used as alfalfa inoculant in Uruguay: Characterization and draft genome sequence.

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ABSTRACT.- Ensifer (syn. Sinorhizobium) meliloti U143 is an effective nitrogen-fixing strain isolated from Uruguayan soils. For decades, this strain has been used as an inoculant for different alfalfa cultivars. Here we report for the first time a characterization of the U143 elite strain that includes the preliminary genomic sequence, its annotation, and physiological parameters related to its symbiotic efficiency and nitrate respiration capacity. Through Illumina sequencing, the genome of the U143 strain was sequenced.

Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum CV. Inia Sepé) responses to defoliation intensities.

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Defoliation management is determinant of forage production and plant persistence. The objective of this study was to identify grazing suitability and stability of herbage production of INIA Sepé subjected to four intensities of defoliation (represented for sward canopies of 3, 10, 17 and 24 cm maintained constant through weekly cuts) and two rates of nitrogen fertilization (100 and 300 kg ha-1).

Evaluating the potential of XP-GWAS in Eucalyptus:Leaf heteroblasty as a case study.

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ABSTRACT.- Eucalyptus is one of the mainstays of the forest industry, contributing high-quality raw materials for pulp, paper, wood, and energy production. The typical approaches to reveal the genetic basis of important traits include classical Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) mapping and Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) approaches, but these are typically expensive and time-consuming. Here we evaluate the potential of Extreme-Phenotype GWAS (XP-GWAS) to identify candidate genes underlying a quantitative trait in Eucalyptus, using the timing of leaf heteroblasty as a case study.

Evaluating the potential of XP-GWAS in Eucalyptus: Leaf heteroblasty as a case study.

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ABSTRACT.- Eucalyptus is one of the mainstays of the forest industry, contributing high-quality raw materials for pulp, paper, wood, and energy production. The typical approaches to reveal the genetic basis of important traits include classical Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) mapping and Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) approaches, but these are typically expensive and time-consuming. Here we evaluate the potential of Extreme-Phenotype GWAS (XP-GWAS) to identify candidate genes underlying a quantitative trait in Eucalyptus, using the timing of leaf heteroblasty as a case study.

Genotype by environment interaction characterization and its modeling with random regression to climatic variables in two rice breeding populations.

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ABSTRACT.- Genotype by environment interaction (GEI) is one of the main challenges in plant breeding. A complete characterization of it is necessary to decide on proper breeding strategies. Random regression models (RRMs) allow a genotype-specific response to each regressor factor. RRMs that include selected environmental variables represent a promising approach to deal with GEI in genomic prediction. They enable to predict for both tested and untested environments, but their utility in a plant breeding scenario remains to be shown.