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Jornada Forestal Zona Sureste.

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El 11 de mayo, en la sede CIEDAG del SUL, se realizó la Jornada forestal zona sureste. Con la presencia de técnicos, productores y estudiantes la actividad tuvo una primera parte de salón y una parada de campo en el predio Cruz Roja de la empresa Agroforestal. --- Regionales INIA Tacuarembó e INIA Treinta y Tres, Presentaciones de la jornada, acceda aquí:

Arroz 2022.

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Esta serie técnica resume varios avances de investigación en el cultivo de arroz en el marco de una segunda zafra consecutiva que supera las 9 t/ha. Esta publicación refleja los contenidos de las presentaciones brindadas en los cuatro módulos de la jornada "Tecnologías para sostener la alta productividad", realizada el 30 de agosto de 2022 en INIA Treinta y Tres ( ).

Carbon stocks and potential sequestration of Uruguayan soils. A road map to a comprehensive characterization of temporal and spatial changes to assess Carbon footprint.

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Carbon net emission is a critical aspect of the environmental footprint in agricultural systems. However, the alternatives to describe soil organic carbon (SOC) changes associated with different agricultural management practices/land uses are limited. Here we provide an overview of carbon (C) stocks of non-forested areas of Uruguay to estimate SOC changes for different soil units affected by accumulated effects of crop and livestock production systems in the last decades.

Dietary effects of copper sulphate on nutrients utilization, weight gain and rumen fermentation characteristics of goats. [124]. [conference abstract].

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The use of dietary copper sulphate in goats' diet will aid nutrients utilization, production in an eco-friendly environment, hence reduce environmental pollution.

A commentary on key methodological developments related to nutritional life cycle assessment (nLCA) generated throughout a 6-year strategic scientific programme. (Commentary).

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Rothamsted Research (RRes) is the world's oldest agricultural research centre, notable for the development of the first synthetic fertilizer (superphosphate) and long-term farming experiments (LTEs) spanning over 170?years. In 2015, RRes recruited several life cycle assessment (LCA) experts and began adopting the method to utilize high resolution agronomical data covering livestock (primarily ruminants), grassland/forage productivity and quality, and arable systems established on its North Wyke Farm Platform (NWFP) and the LTEs.

Stem and sheath diseases and yield response of irrigated rice rotation systems with different intensification levels.

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Rice cultivation in South America is undergoing several intensification processes for economic reasons that cause more rice to be planted continuously on the same soils. This intensification makes the long-term biological and economic sustainability of systems questionable. Among the most common problems that threaten sustainability in intensified systems is pest and disease pressure. In this context, the primary rice diseases were studied during a 6-year period in a long-term experiment of rice rotations established in 2012 in Uruguay.