Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria
Tumor estromal gastrointestinal em ovino. [poster]
O tumor estromal gastrointestinal (?gastrointesinal stromal tumor?, GIST) é uma neoplasia mesenquimal originada de células intersticiais de Cajal, localizadas entre as camadas musculares do trato gastrointestinal. O tumor foi descrito em várias espécies animais, mas até o momento não há relatos em ovinos.
Estudio de la capacidad infectiva, colonización renal e inmunogenicidad de Leptospira interrogans serogrupo Pomona serovar Kennewicki en un modelo murino sub-letal y crónico. [abstract].
En Uruguay, Leptospira interrogans sg Pomona sv Kennewicki es la variante más frecuentemente aislada en bovinos. También ha sido identificada en brotes de leptospirosis en ovinos y en jabalíes (Sus scrofa), así como en humanos, lo cual sugiere fuertemente la transmisión zoonótica. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar atributos de virulencia de L. interrogans sg Pomona sv Kennewicki en un modelo murino, mimetizando una vía de infección natural.
ITS-2 rDNA metabarcoding and amplicon sequencing enabled investigation of anthelmintic resistance in cattle gastrointestinal nematodes in Uruguay. [Poster]
A prevalence study of anthelmintic resistance (AR) in gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) was conducted in beef cattle in Uruguay using a combination of fecal egg count reduction testing, nemabiome metabarcoding and deep amplicon sequencing.
Jornada de Cultivos y Sistemas INIA - CREA. [Página web].
PROGRAMA Jornada de Cultivos y Sistemas INIA-CREA. 16:00hs. Apertura a cargo de autoridades de INIA y FUCREA. 16:15hs. Análisis de zafra de Soja 20-21 de las chacras CREA. Ing. Agr. Gonzalo Invernizzi. Comisión de Asesores Agrícola Ganaderos de FUCREA. 16:40hs. Transición de los cultivos de invierno a verano, momento clave para intensificar el manejo de la resistencia a herbicidas. Ing. Agr. (PhD) Tiago Kaspary, Malherbología INIA La Estanzuela. 17:05hs. Maíz en ambientes limitantes. Manejo agronómico y aspectos claves a tener en cuenta. Ing. Agr. (PhD) Fernando Lattanzi, Prog.
Tolerance to flooding during germination and early growth of weedy rice. [Abstract].
ABSTRACT: Flooding is an important method for weedy rice control. The reduction of the flooding effect ongermination and initial growth of weedy rice has been observed, which compromise the efficiency of flooded rice systems. The objectives of this study were to establish a methodology for the selection of weed rice populations with flooding tolerance, to evaluate the expression of genes associated to flooding in cultivated rice, and to investigate the effect of temperature and soil depth on tolerance to flooding in weedy rice.
Seed shattering in weedy rice is not similarly regulated as in cultivated rice.
ABSTRACT: Although seed shattering is one of the main causes of weedy rice persistence it still is poorly understood. The aim of this study was to identify the main genes related with the occurrence of seed shattering in weedy rice. Gene expression and DNA sequencing of the coding and promoter region and a whole genome sequencing were performed in weedy and cultivated rice with contrasting seed shattering. The main genes associated with the seed shattering in cultivated rice Sh4, qSH1 and SHAT1 were not important in weedy rice.
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