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High- resolution melting (HRM) curve analysis: New approach used to detect blad and dumps in Uruguayan Holstein breed. [Análise da curva de alta resolucao (HRM): Nova abordagem usada para detectar blad e dumps em bovinos da raça Holandesa Uruguaia].

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ABSTRACT. The widespread use of artificial insemination has allowed the expansion of genetic progress. However, it also brought consequences such as the expansion of lethal hereditary diseases and the increase in inbreeding. The object of this study was to establish a fast and sensitive molecular assay to detect bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency (BLAD) and deficiency of uridine monophosphate synthase (DUMPS) carriers in Uruguayan Holstein cattle by means of high resolution melting (HRM) curve analysis.

Efecto de la intensidad de poda en E. grandis al séptimo año de crecimiento: revista forestal.

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El objetivo de este ensayo es comparar el efecto de distintos calendarios de poda (frecuencia e intensidad) en el crecimiento de plantaciones de E.grandis en suelos de la zona 7. Para que los mismos sean comparables se definió una altura de poda final constante, por lo que la variable de ajuste es el número de intervenciones.

Convenio INIA-MIDES y SCCU: la raza Corriedale potencializando la producción familiar.

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El Programa Nacional de Investigación en Producción Familiar de INIA (PPF) y el Departamento de Ruralidad del MIDES, celebraron un acuerdo de trabajo cooperativo para promover, capacitar y optimizar la gestión de los recursos presentes en los predios, con el fin de crear condiciones que permitan una mejora social y económica para este sector, a través de la introducción del ovino. La Sociedad de Criadores de Corriedale de Uruguay (SCCU) pone a disposición animales de alto valor genético, de procedencia conocida y en condiciones para su producción y reproducción.

Weighting strategies for single-step genomic BLUP: An iterative approach for accurate calculation of GEBV and GWAS.

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ABSTRACT. Genomic Best Linear Unbiased Predictor (GBLUP) assumes equal variance for all single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP). When traits are influenced by major SNP, Bayesian methods have the advantage of SNP selection. To overcome the limitation of GBLUP, unequal variance or weights for all SNP are applied in a method called weighted GBLUP (WGBLUP). If only a fraction of animals is genotyped, single-step WGBLUP (WssGBLUP) can be used. Default weights in WGBLUP or WssGBLUP are obtained iteratively based on single SNP effect squared (u2) and/or heterozygosity.

Response of Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae) to volatiles characteristic of preferred citrus hosts.

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ABSTRACT. The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri, is currently the most important pest of citrus worldwide because it vectors ?Candidatus Liberibacter? spp., the etiological agents of lethal Huanglongbing (HLB). Reduction of D. citri populations is a key component of HLB management. Identifying potential D. citri attractants, such as volatiles, could be useful for behavioral management of this insect. This could, for instance, enhance catches of adults on monitoring traps. The overall aim of this study was to investigate the response of D.

Resultados Experimentales de la Evaluación Nacional de Cultivares de trigo, cebada y colza de los tres últimos años: Período 2015-2016-2017.

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Equipos de trabajo INIA. Evaluación de Cultivares- Ing. Agr. (PhD.) Marina Castro. Evaluación de Cultivares -Ing. Agr. Santiago Manasliski. Ensayos regionales Young- Téc. Agric. Gan. Ximena Morales. Asistente de Investigación-Beatriz Castro-Valeria Cardozo.Asistentes de Información y Proc. de datos Protección Vegetal. Ing. Agr. (Ph.D.) Silvia Pereyra (fitopatología).Lic. Biol. (Ph.D.) Gustavo Azzimonti (fitopatología). Ing. Agr. (Ph.D.) Silvia Germán (Mej. por resistencia).Lic. (Ph.D.) Silvina Stewart (fitopatología). Tec. Agrop. Richard García (Mej. por resistencia).Tec. Lech.

Risks (odds ratios) of bruises on cattle carcasses in different animal categories: preliminary results.

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The objective of this study was to calculate the risks (odds ratios) of occurrence of bruises on cattle carcasses in different animal categories. The study was conducted in a slaughterhouse plant, located at São Paulo state, Brazil. Data collection was carried out during one year, assessing 22234 cattle carcasses. To calculate the risk (odds ratios) of bruises occurrences on cattle carcasses the GENMOD procedure of SAS was used, considering logistic regression models.