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Grass to legume facilitation in saline-sodic steppes: influence of vegetation seasonality and root symbionts.

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Abstract: Aim Identify key factors driving legume seedlings performance in saline-sodic soils. Methods Five plots were established in paired subhumid steppes with saline-sodic soils dominated by Distichlis spicata or Panicum coloratum. In each plot, Lotus tenuis was sown in autumn and individual plants were collected close to nurse plants (dominant species), and in open areas, at the end of the cold and warm seasons.

Social-ecological functional types: connecting people and ecosystems in the Argentine Chaco.

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Abstract: Sustainability science recognizes the importance of the integrated assessment of the ecological and social systems in land-use planning. However, most studies so far have been conceptual rather than empirical. We developed a framework to characterize the social-ecological systems heterogeneity according to its functioning through the identification of social?ecological functional types (SEFT).

Opportunities and challenges for the growth of milk production from pasture: The case of farm systems in Uruguay.

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ABSTRACT: Volatility ofmarketsandclimatearedrivingexportingdairyindustries toincreasemilkproduction frompasture. However, some regions are not able to grow due to economic, social and environmental constraints. The objective of this study was to analyse at the farm system level the opportunities and challenges for the growth of pasture-based dairy production in Uruguay.

Convenio INIA-Sociedad Rural de Río Negro: 47 años de una trayectoria que ha dejado huella y desarrollo.

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Repasar los productos y metas logradas en estos 47 años de trabajo en conjunto primeramente entre el Centro de Investigaciones Agrícolas Alberto Boerger (CIAAB), luego INIA desde su creación (1990) y la Sociedad Rural de Río Negro, conformaron una excelente oportunidad para celebrar los 100 años de la Sociedad Rural de Río Negro (SRRN), el pasado 22 de mayo.

XIII Simposio Internacional de la Pera: Uruguay recibió a expertos mundiales en la temática del cultivo de la pera.

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Investigadores, técnicos, productores y estudiantes de 23 países se dieron cita del 3 al 7 de diciembre de 2018 en Montevideo, para participar del XIII Simposio Internacional de la Pera, organizado por el Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA) y la International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), bajo la coordinación de los Ing. Agr. Roberto Zoppolo y Danilo Cabrera del Programa Nacional de Investigación en Producción Frutícola.