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Deep tillage and nitrogen do not remediate cumulative soil deterioration effects of continuous cropping.

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ABSTRACT. - Short-term solutions like increasing N fertilization and decompaction with deep tillage (DT) have been proposed to mitigate soil degradation in continuous cropping systems. However, the joint evaluation of these factors in established no-till systems is limited. This work aims to quantify corn yield losses generated by the cumulative degradation of soil quality of intensified no-till cropping systems, quantify to what extent yield losses could be mitigated by soil DT and N fertilization, and identify the most important process involved in yield reductions.

Season-specific management strategies for rainfed soybean in the South American Pampas based on a seasonal precipitation forecast.

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ABSTRACT. - CONTEXT Global climate change is resulting in more frequent and more damaging extreme events affecting the performance of production systems. It is imperative to develop good season-specific crop management recommendations to help farmers to improve their adaptive capacity to a changing climate one season at a time.

Growth stage and ensiling: impact on chemical composition, conservation quality and in situ ruminal degradability of whole-crop oat.

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Abstract: BACKGROUND: The effects of growth stage (GS) and ensiling were assessed on whole-crop oat's (Avena sativa L. cv. Cantara) chemical composition, silage fermentation quality and in situ ruminal degradability. Oat was harvested and ensiled at six GS: boot, heading, water ripe, early milk, early dough and grain ripe (144, 151, 178, 234, 362 and 512 g kg-1 of dry matter (DM) of whole-crop forage, respectively). RESULTS: GS influenced chemical composition, silage fermentation quality and ruminal degradability of whole-crop oat.

Growth stage and ensiling:impact on chemical composition, conservation quality and in situ ruminal degradability of whole-crop oat.

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Abstract: BACKGROUND:The effects of growth stage (GS) and ensiling were assessed on whole-crop oat's (Avena sativa L. cv. Cantara) chemical composition, silage fermentation quality and in situ ruminal degradability. Oat was harvested and ensiled at six GS:boot, heading, water ripe, early milk, early dough and grain ripe (144, 151, 178, 234, 362 and 512 g kg-1 of dry matter (DM) of whole-crop forage, respectively). RESULTS:GS influenced chemical composition, silage fermentation quality and ruminal degradability of whole-crop oat.

Informe agroclimático 2021- Situación a Diciembre.

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Contenido. Síntesis de la Situación Agroclimática de Diciembre-- Perspectivas Climáticas Trimestrales elaboradas por el IRI de la Universidad de Columbia (Más información puede encontrarse en el sitio del IRI: -- Índice de Vegetación (NDVI) -- Precipitaciones -- Porcentaje de Agua Disponible (PAD) -- Agua No Retenida (ANR) -- Índice de Bienestar Hídrico (IBH) -- Perspectivas Climáticas Ene-Feb-Mar elaboradas por el IRI de la Universidad de Columbia. Destacamos para este mes:INIA Termoestrés.

Herbage allowance and stocking method effect on grazing systems: Results of a long-term experiment.

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ABSTRACT. - Sward management is critical for animal performance in pastoral environments. We evaluated the performance of sheep grazing Italian ryegrass pastures under factorial combinations of two stocking methods (SM) (continuous and rotational) and two herbage allowances (HA) (10% and 20% of LWT) over 9 years.

Herbage allowance and stocking method effect on grazing systems:Results of a long-term experiment.

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ABSTRACT. - Sward management is critical for animal performance in pastoral environments. We evaluated the performance of sheep grazing Italian ryegrass pastures under factorial combinations of two stocking methods (SM) (continuous and rotational) and two herbage allowances (HA) (10% and 20% of LWT) over 9 years.

Growth of young cattle grazing high-moisture winter forages in a temperate environment was not affected by access to drinking water.

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Abstract: Context:Early sown, annual ryegrass pastures and winter crops provide a high-quality feed for livestock and also have a high water content during autumn and early winter compared with typical temperate pastures. Aim:We hypothesised that beef cattle grazing annual ryegrass or forage oats would not need additional access to drinking water to maintain their intake and growth. Methods:In Experiment 1, 48 weaned, castrated male Hereford calves with liveweight 154 kg (±6.7 kg; s.d.) grazed Italian ryegrass at a daily allowance of 4.5 kg dry matter (DM)/100 kg liveweight in two treatme

Low-intensity, high-frequency grazing strategy increases herbage production and beef cattle performance on sorghum pastures.

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We assessed the effects of high-intensity and low-frequency (HILF) vs. low-intensity and high-frequency (LIHF) grazing on herbage production and performance of beef cattle grazing sorghum pastures. The experimental design was a complete randomized block with two treatments and four replicates (paddocks), carried out in 2014/15.

Checking the progress of using the static chamber method for the measurement of greenhouse gases in Latin America.

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ABSTRACT - Manual static chamber is one of the most widespread methods for the quantification of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions from agricultural systems. But there are concerns about the reliability of measurements and a necessity to assess the static chambers used in the studies performed in the countries of Latin America. Thus, this study aims to investigate the quality of the characteristics from the static chamber methodology, the confidence level of the GHG measurements, and recommend what should be improved.