Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria
Hacia una ganadería familiar sustentable. Recorrida de campo.
Presentaciones: Co-innovando para el desarrollo sostenible de sistemas de producción familiar en Uruguay:Resultados productivos y económicos a escala predial; Resultados ambientales a escala predial; Resultados sociales a escala predial; Resultados a escala regional; Reflexiones finales.
Production gaps in livestock grazing systems in Sierras del Este, Uruguay:magnitude, causes and strategies to reduce them. [Abstract + Oral presentation]
In Uruguay beef cattle production is the main source of income in 24848 farms, covering an area of 11.5 million hectares, being 55% of those farms classified as family. The main productive orientation in family farming is cattle breeding, based on natural grasslands. This work is part of the extension and development project "Improving the sustainability of family farming", carried out by the National Institute of Agriculture Research and Plan Agropecuario of Uruguay with AgResearch of New Zealand, between 2014 and 2017.
Production gaps in livestock grazing systems in Sierras del Este, Uruguay: magnitude, causes and strategies to reduce them. [Abstract + Oral presentation]
In Uruguay beef cattle production is the main source of income in 24848 farms, covering an area of 11.5 million hectares, being 55% of those farms classified as family. The main productive orientation in family farming is cattle breeding, based on natural grasslands. This work is part of the extension and development project "Improving the sustainability of family farming", carried out by the National Institute of Agriculture Research and Plan Agropecuario of Uruguay with AgResearch of New Zealand, between 2014 and 2017.
Co-innovation of family farm systems:developing sustainable livestock production systems based on natural grasslands. [Abstract + Oral presentation]
In Uruguay, during the last decades the number of farms has decreased significantly being the family farms the most affected ones. Between 2000 and 2011, 21% of the farms disappeared.
Co-innovation of family farm systems: developing sustainable livestock production systems based on natural grasslands. [Abstract + Oral presentation]
In Uruguay, during the last decades the number of farms has decreased significantly being the family farms the most affected ones. Between 2000 and 2011, 21% of the farms disappeared.
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