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Lignocellulosic wastes of Carya illinoinensis (Juglandaceae) inhibit germi-nation and seedling development of Lactuca sativa (Asteraceae).

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Abstract: The study evaluated the effect of Carya illinoinensis plant extracts on lettuce seed germination and development. Experiment was carried out in a completely randomized experimental design with five treatments and five replications. Plant extracts were prepared from the dry ground vegetable waste. The concentration was adjusted to 10% m.v-1. The treatments were classified into:heterogeneous pruning residues (HPR), leaves residues (LR), epicarp residues (ER), mesocarp residues (MR), and control treatment (CT, 100% water).

Beef cattle methane emissions measured with tracer-ratio and inverse dispersion modelling techniques.

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The development and validation of management practices to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from livestock require accurate emission measurements. This study assessed the accuracy of a practical inverse dispersion modelling (IDM) technique to quantify methane (CH4) emitted from a small cattle herd (16 animals) confined to a 63 m × 60 m experimental pen. The IDM technique calculates emissions from the increase in the CH4 concentration measured downwind of the animals. The measurements were conducted for 7 d.

Estado de situación de la invasión de especies exóticas del bosque nativo.

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Objetivo General:Generar una línea de base del estado actual de los objetos focales de conservación presentes en el APA en función de los indicadores definidos en el Plan de Manejo. Objetivos específicos para muestreo de Flora exótica: ? Relevar el estado de situación de la invasión de especies exóticas del bosque nativo. ? Reconocer cuales son las especies exóticas más relevantes para la gestión del APA.