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Impact of genomic selection for residual feed intake and calf survival in beef cattle on profit and greenhouse gas mitigation.

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The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of including RFI and calf survival in the breeding objective simultaneously with the implementation of genomic selection. This was quantified in the current UK maternal breeding programs and in an alternative young bull program in terms of the economic benefit and GHG emissions at the whole beef industry level.

Multiple trait genetic evaluation of linear type traits using genomic and phenotypic data in US Holsteins.

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The genomic selection of US Holsteins has currently been conducted with a multi-step procedure where regular EBVs are used to create genomic predictions (VanRaden, 2008). Later steps in the multi-step procedure involve only genotyped animals and use single-trait (ST) procedures.

Selection response in UK sheep breeding program with the application of genomic selection and inclusion of production efficiency traits.

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The objective of this study is to explore the potential of including genomic information and its effect on selection response in the three main UK sheep breeding sectors; hill, longwool, and terminal sheep breeds. Different training and effective population sizes were simulated and the inclusion of new production efficiency traits was also tested.

Efectos de la historia de uso de insecticidas en la abundancia y diversidad de arañas (Araneae) en cultivos de arroz de Uruguay.

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Los cultivos de arroz en Uruguay se caracterizan por presentar una baja carga de insecticidas, particularmente en la Región Este, lo que le otorga a esta producción un valor agregado, al conservar la diversidad presente en los cultivos y ser ambientalmente más sostenible en comparación con otros métodos de producción. Dentro de los principales depredadores de insectos se encuentran las arañas.

Los pastizales naturales en sistemas ganaderos de Uruguay como reservorios de la diversidad de arañas.

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En Uruguay los pastizales naturales son el sustento de la ganadería y por lo tanto el principal recurso natural renovable del país. El mantenimiento de la biodiversidad en estos sistemas es valioso para garantizar la provisión de diversos servicios ecosistémicos. Las arañas como grupo mega-diverso son excelentes modelos de estudio para la evaluación de impactos ambientales de este tipo. El primer objetivo de este estudio fue describir la comunidad de arañas de los pastizales naturales en sistemas ganaderos de Uruguay.

Association between feed efficiency and carcass and meat quality traits in Hereford steers.

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SUMMARY. The association between residual feed intake (RFI) and growth, carcass and meat quality traits were investigated using 233 Hereford steers. Individual feed intake, body liveweight, average daily gain and ultrasound measurements were recorded during 70-d post-weaning period to calculate RFI. Steers were categorized into high efficient (0.5 SD above the RFI mean; 76). After the feed intake test, steers grazed on sorghum pasture and oat with corn supplementation during summer and autumn and winter, respectively, until achieving the slaughter weight (with back fat thickness 6.35 mm).