Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria
Día de campo Arroz:6 paradas - 6 mensajes.
Con una amplia concurrencia de público, e intensa interacción a lo largo de la recorrida, se realizó el día de campo de arroz en la Unidad Experimental de Paso de la Laguna, INIA Treinta y Tres. En la recorrida por los ensayos de investigación se realizaron seis paradas centradas en seis mensajes claves
A reevaluation of phylogenomic data reveals that current understanding in wheat blast population biology and epidemiology is obfuscated by oversights in population sampling.
ABSTRACT.- Wheat blast, caused by the Pyricularia oryzae Triticum lineage (PoT), first emerged in Brazil and quickly spread to neighboring countries. Its recent appearance in Bangladesh and Zambia highlights a need to understand the disease's population biology and epidemiology so as to mitigate pandemic outbreaks. Current knowledge is mostly based on characterizations of Brazilian wheat blast isolates and comparison with isolates from non-wheat, endemic grasses.
Limited response to phosphorus fertilization in native South American grasslands across a productivity gradient despite low phosphorus concentrations in grassland herbage.
ABSTRACT.- Background and aims:Since 1750, the species-rich grasslands native to the Río de la Plata basin in southern South America have sustained low-input livestock production. Typically, these grasslands have low herbage phosphorus (P) concentration, and P deficiency in livestock is not rare. Worldwide, P fertilization is used to increase the productivity and nutritive value of grasslands, but it is unknown whether the Río de la Plata grasslands are limited by P availability.
Flume calibration on irrigated systems by video image processing and bayesian inference. [Calibración de canales aforadores en sistemas irrigados mediante el procesamiento de imágenes de video y la inferencia bayesiana.]. [Calibração de calhas da vazão em sistemas irrigados por processamento de imagens de vídeo e inferência bayesiana.].
ABSTRACT.- Rice is a crop that requires a large amount of water throughout its production cycle to ensure a good yield, resulting in higher water consumption compared to other crops. In Uruguay, about 160,000 ha/year are planted, requiring about 1,760 hm3/year of water, with a very high international average productivity of 9,000 kg/ha. Irrigation is generally carried out by surface/flooding, with water passing through dug channels where gates are used to regulate the flow, and in some cases measurement devices are installed.
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