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Effect of phosphate fertilization on nitrogen use efficiency of forage pastures. 1. Tall fescue pastures. [abstract]

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Nutrients deficiencies - mainly phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) - often depress forage productivity (FP) in pasture-based systems in the Pampas region (Argentina). Fertilizations are often used to attenuate these deficiencies, but it is necessary to increase the use efficiency of the applied nutrients.

Long term change in soil test P and farm gate P balance of grazing dairy farms of southern Uruguay. [abstract]

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Uruguayan dairy farms underwent an important intensification process during the last decades. Although pasture-based grazing systems are still dominant, one important component of such intensification is the increase of extra-farm feed inputs, along with an increased stocking rate and an increased supplementation rate per cow.

On the prediction of phosphorus fluxes in the santa lucía basin under different land use and management practices using swat model. [abstract]

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Several actions have been carried out in the Santa Lucia River basin (1.343.300 ha) in order to reduce the impact of anthropogenic pressure and improve water quality. Environmental models may be used as supportive tools when assessing the effect of local actions at a basin scale.

Integrated rice-pasture systems sustainability in Uruguay.*

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Integrated rice-livestock systems were key for a sustained yield increase with decent resource-use efficiency and environmental indicators during 50 yrs. in Uruguay. The increased trends for intensification in cropping systems may prompt rice-livestock systems for decoupling and losing synergies. We summarize evidence about the sustainability of rice-livestock systems in Uruguay using indicators from farm data and a long-term experiment.

Soil organic carbon stocks in crop/pasture sequences - results from the oldest long-term agricultural experiment in Latin America. *

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The aims of this study were to assess the long-term effects of different CPR on SOC stocks on the subsoil, and to draw conclusions about the capacity of CPR to sequester C in Uruguay.We conclude that incorporating pastures in continuous crop sequences increased soil organic carbon stocks through the soil profile by an average of 28%.

Informe agroclimático 2024- Situación a Enero.

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CONTENIDO. -- Síntesis de la situación sgroclimática de enero-- Perspectivas climáticas trimestrales elaboradas por el IRI de la Universidad de Columbia (Más información puede encontrarse en el sitio del IRI: -- Índice de vegetación (NDVI) -- Precipitaciones -- Porcentaje de agua disponible (PAD) -- Agua no retenida (ANR) -- Índice de bienestar hídrico (IBH) -- Perspectivas climáticas feb-mar-abr elaboradas por el IRI de la Universidad de Columbia.

Bird species responses to rangeland management in relation to their traits: Rio de la Plata Grasslands as a case study.

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ABSTRACT.- Areas used for livestock production and dominated by native grasses represent a unique opportunity to reconcile biodiversity conservation and livestock production. However, limited knowledge of individual species' responses to rangeland management restricts our capacity to design grazing practices that favor endangered species and other priority birds.

Bird species responses to rangeland management in relation to their traits:Rio de la Plata Grasslands as a case study.

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ABSTRACT.- Areas used for livestock production and dominated by native grasses represent a unique opportunity to reconcile biodiversity conservation and livestock production. However, limited knowledge of individual species' responses to rangeland management restricts our capacity to design grazing practices that favor endangered species and other priority birds.

Informe agroclimático 2023- Situación a Diciembre.

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CONTENIDO. -- Síntesis de la situación sgroclimática de diciembre-- Perspectivas climáticas trimestrales elaboradas por el IRI de la Universidad de Columbia (Más información puede encontrarse en el sitio del IRI: -- Índice de vegetación (NDVI) -- Precipitaciones -- Porcentaje de agua disponible (PAD) -- Agua no retenida (ANR) -- Índice de bienestar hídrico (IBH) -- Perspectivas climáticas ene-feb-mar elaboradas por el IRI de la Universidad de Columbia. -- Destacamos para este mes:INIA Termoestrés.

INIA CERTEC.Agro: evaluación de tecnologías con el aporte de usuarios calificados.

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El Proceso de Certificación de Tecnologías INIA completó su cuarta edición y se consolida como una herramienta valiosa para la evaluación de los productos tecnológicos previo a su difusión masiva, con la participación colaborativa de referentes externos al Instituto y orientada al agregado de valor de las tecnologías.