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Calidad de la canal y la carne, ¿es afectada por el consumo residual de alimento?. [presentación oral].

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En esta presentación el Ing. Agr. Santiago Luzardo de INIA destacó los resultados de la investigación relativa a parámetros de calidad de carne, rendimiento de cortes y carcasa vinculadas a la selección de animales con mejor eficiencia de conversión animal. -- CONTENIDO: Antecedentes. - Faenas 2022 y 2023. - Calidad de la canal. - Rendimiento de cortes. - Calidad de la carne. - Pérfil de ácidos grasos. - Consideraciones finales.

Pollinizers as strategy to increase fruit set on different pear cultivars in Uruguay. [Conference paper].

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ABSTRACT.- Pears are widely cultivated in the world. Uruguayan production covers 628 ha. Practically, in its entirety, European-type pear trees (Pyrus communis L.) are grown, and the most planted cultivar is Williams. Most of the orchards in Uruguay are managed without the use of pollinating cultivars. Pear production in recent years has not been stable, with the lack of pollinators one of the main factors that could be influencing this.

Is residual feed intake associated to carcass and meat quality traits?. P61 [short paper-poster].

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Improving feed efficiency is a key factor in livestock systems to reduce feeding costs and enhance profitability [1], and it is also associated with beef production sustainability. Residual feed intake (RFI) is one of the methodologies for calculating feed efficiency of growing beef cattle, which is a moderately heritable characteristic enabling genetic improvement through selection [2]. However, literature is not entirely conclusive about the effect of RFI genetic selection on beef quality.

Uruguayan beef quality audit-2022: a survey of carcass traits related to quality and value of catlle. P130. [short paper-poster].

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The first Uruguayan Beef Quality Audit (UBQA) was conducted in 2002, in a joint project among Colorado State University, INAC e INIA and was an important benchmark to identify what the beef industry was producing, measuring and reporting on cattle and carcass traits. Seven National Beef Quality Audits (NBQA) were conducted in the U.S. (1991, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2011, 2016 and 2022), and four in Uruguay (UBQA 2002, 2007, 2013 and 2022). Many of the UBQA findings were used as training practices for producer and packers related to animal handling.

Aging methods effect on meat quality attributes from steers under different finishing diets. P138 [short paper-poster].

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Aging is a post-mortem practice for beef tenderization and flavor improvement. Wet and dry aging are the most common processes to age beef. Dry aging in a highly moisture-permeable bag has been widely used in the last decades, producing dry-aged products mainly to reduce microbial

Desempeño de corderos terminados a corral con diferentes asignaciones de superficie (m2). (BAE 17). [Performance of lambs finished in feedlot with different surface area allocations (m2).]. [abstract].

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El confinamiento de corderos es una práctica en crecimiento en Uruguay. El 70% de los costos del corral son de alimentación. Entre otros, el bienestar del cordero mejoraría la eficiencia en el uso de los alimentos. El presente experimento evaluó diferentes densidades de animales en un encierre de verano, sobre parámetros productivos.

Resultados experimentales de la evaluación nacional de cultivares de arroz. Zafra 2022-2023.

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I. Presentación. -- II. Caracterización de la zafra 2022/20223. (Claudia Marchesi, Ing. Agr. Investigador Adjunto, Programa Nacional de Investigación Arroz?INIA Tacuarembó; Ana Laura Pereira, Ing. Agr. Investigador Adjunto, Unidad Técnica de Semillas-INIA Treinta y Tres; Alexandra Ferreira, Id. Arr. Asistente de Investigación-INIA Treinta y Tres ). -- III. Evaluación de cultivares de arroz. (Clauda Marchesi). -- IV. Resultados experimentales. -- V. Registros meteorológicos.

Exploring the linkage between ruminal microbial communities on postweaning and finishing diets and their relation to residual feed intake in beef cattle.

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ABSTRACT.- Feed efficiency significantly impacts the economics of beef production and is influenced by biological and environmental factors. The rumen microbiota plays a crucial role in efficiency, with studies increasingly focused on its relationship with different rearing systems. This study analyzed 324 rumen samples from bulls and steers categorized as high and low efficiency based on residual feed intake. The animals were fed two diets (postweaning and finishing) and rumen samples were sequenced using a reduced representation sequencing (RRS) based approach.

Bovine milk as a source of nitro-conjugated linoleic acid.

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ABSTRACT.- Nitrated fatty acids (NO2-FAs), specifically nitroalkenes, are gaining recognition for their anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties. Bovine milk, a major dietary component, may serve as a significant source of these bioactive molecules, complementing its established nutritional profile. This study examined nitroalkene's presence in milk from different bovine strains and lactation stages. NO2-conjugated linoleic acid (NO2-cLA) was detected at concentrations up to 5 uM, comprising 2.7% of total cLA.