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Approximation of reliabilities for random-regression single-step genomic best linear unbiased predictor models.

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ABSTRACT.- Random-regression models (RRM) are used in national genetic evaluations for longitudinal traits. The outputs of RRM are an index based on random-regression coefficients and its reliability. The reliabilities are obtained from the inverse of the coefficient matrix of mixed model equations (MME). The reliabilities must be approximated for large datasets because it is impossible to invert the MME. There is no extensive literature on methods to approximate the reliabilities of RRM when genomic information is included by single-step GBLUP.

Carinata: an option for agriculture diversification in Uruguay, South America?.

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Final Comments:
- Genetics: improvement (yield, oil). - Diseases: low incidence of Phoma lingam.
- Low shattering: direct harvest. - Meal: it can be used for animals in mixtures. - Plague birds:- not a problem.
- Brassicas: Carinata and Canola should complement wheat and barley area for a sustainable rotation in agriculture.

En vez de gestionar crisis gestionemos el riesgo climático. [Entrevista]

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Hay solo una cosa en que la comunidad científica coincide, que ya está pasando y será peor en el futuro: están habiendo eventos climáticos extremos más frecuentes y más dañinos. Tenemos sequías, inundaciones, olas de calor. Si sigue cambiando el clima, esto será cada vez peor. Tenemos que adaptarnos; pero ¿adaptarnos a qué y cómo?, interpela Walter Baethgen (*).

Genómica y mejora genética para una ganadería sostenible: avances y perspectivas. [abstract].

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La selección genética es una herramienta clave para fortalecer la sostenibilidad económica, social y ambiental de la ganadería, con impacto acumulativo y permanente. Actualmente, el sector enfrenta el desafío de reducir las emisiones de metano entérico producido por los rumiantes.

Biomass inputs drive agronomic management impacts on soil health.

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ABSTRACT.- Numerous conservation and regeneration practices are recognized as effective strategies in the management of soil health (SH), a critical factor for ensuring the sustainability of food production systems. Despite their acknowledged importance, the multifaceted impacts of these practices often lead to confounding effects, and reliance on generic categorization of agronomic practices often falls short in portraying the drivers of SH. We advocate for a paradigm shift from a label-centric approach to one rooted in processes.

The future of beef production in South America.

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ABSTRACT.- South American beef production varies due to diverse climates, environmental conditions, animal breeds (Bos indicus, Bos taurus and crossbreeds), management strategies, and nutritional sources. Applying technology in the South American beef production system can significantly enhance efficiency, sustainability, and profitability. Reproductive efficiency is a significant challenge, especially in cow-calf operation systems conducted under adverse conditions. Consequently, implementing effective assisted reproduction technologies (ART) can make a significant contribution.

Códigos de barra de la vida, metabarcoding y ecología como estrategia para el estudio y la conservación de la biodiversidad. [abstract].

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La pérdida de biodiversidad en el Antropoceno alcanza tasas similares a la última extinción masiva, afectando el ambiente drásticamente. En Uruguay, a fines del siglo XX, el uso del suelo cambió significativamente debido al avance de la forestación y la producción de soja.