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Mycorrhizal fungi compromise production of endophytic alkaloids, increasing plant susceptibility to an aphid herbivore.

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ABSTRACT.- Symbiosis plays a critical role in plant biology. Temperate grasses often associate with several symbiotic fungi simultaneously, including Epichloë endophytes and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, in shoots and roots, respectively. These symbionts often modulate plant-herbivore interactions by influencing nutritional traits (i.e. AM fungi-mediated nutrient uptake) and/or the secondary chemistry (i.e. endophytic alkaloids) of their host plant.

Understanding the changes induced by the incorporation of trees in low densities into livestock systems: relevance of a long-term interdisciplinary experimental platform.

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ABSTRACT.- The purpose of this work is to describe the creation process of the first long-term experimental platform designed for interdisciplinary studies of Silvopastoral Systems (SPS) in Uruguay and to highlight its relevance on filling knowledge gaps across different areas. This experiment involves professionals from diverse fields working together to generate knowledge for sustainable agriculture. The focus is on understanding long-term interactions in SPS, emphasizing native ecosystem conservation and increased agricultural productivity.

Signal-sensing triggers the shutdown of HemKR, regulating heme and iron metabolism in the spirochete Leptospira biflexa.

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ABSTRACT.- Heme and iron metabolic pathways are highly intertwined, both compounds being essential for key biological processes, yet becoming toxic if overabundant.Their concentrations are exquisitely regulated, including via dedicated two-component systems (TCSs) that sense signals and regulate adaptive responses.HemKR is a TCS present in both saprophytic and pathogenic Leptospira species, involved in the control of heme metabolism.However, the molecular means by which HemKR is switched on/off in a signal-dependent way, are still unknown.Moreover, a comprehensive list of HemKR-regulated ge

Sentinel-2 analysis for classification of winter crops in Uruguay. [Conference paper].

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ABSTRACT.- Crop type classification with satellite imageries is widely applied to support sustainable agricultural practices and for continuous crop monitoring [1], [2], [3]. In this work, we present a study for the classification of winter crops on a nationwide perspective for Uruguay. We have analyzed Uruguay's three most widely extended winter crops: wheat, barley, and rapeseed. We have trained a classifier based on XGBoost that uses temporal series built from Sentinel-2 image data.

Identifying the numerical components affecting soybean (Glycine max) yield under waterlogging at reproductive stages.

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ABSTRACT.- Waterlogging is a critical abiotic stress increasing in importance due to more intense, erratic rainfall associated with climate change. Waterlogging leads to significant yield losses in sensitive crops, such as soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.). Identifying soybean genotypes and traits associated with better waterlogging tolerance is of high interest. We assessed the response of six soybean genotypes, selected from a field screening of over 190 genotypes, to 10 days of waterlogging at the R1 (onset of flowering) and R4 (grain filling) stages.

Estimation of correlations between resilience traits in Texel breed lambs. (GM 4). [Estimación de las correlaciones entre rasgos de resiliencia en corderos Texel.]. [abstract]

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Introduction: Resilient animals are minimally affected by environmental disturbances. When affected, they can return quickly to the state that was previous to the disturbance (Colditz & Hine, 2016). To test this hypothesis, we attempted here to measure the relationship between resilience traits in lambs from the Uruguayan Texel breed.