Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria
MSUD (Maple Syrup Urine Disease) en terneros Polled Hereford y cruzas Polled Hereford x Shorthorn en Uruguay. [MSUD (Maple Syrup Urine Disease) in Polled Hereford and Polled Hereford x Shorthorn crosses in calves in Uruguay.]
RESUMEN.- Se reporta el primer diagnóstico de MSUD (Maple Syrup Urine Disease) o Enfermedad de la orina con Olor a Jara¬be de Arce en terneros Polled Hereford (PH) y cruzas Pol¬led Hereford x Shorthorn (PH x SH) en Uruguay. La en¬fermedad se diagnosticó en 3 rodeos de cría comercial en la región Este de Uruguay, el primero en agosto de 2004 en terneros PH (3 casos, 2,3%), el segundo en setiembre de 2006 en PH (5 casos, 4,1%) y el tercero en agosto de 2008 en terneros cruza PH x SH (7 casos, 3,8%). Todos los predios adquirían los toros y el semen Polled Here¬ford de cabañas nacionales.
Genotipado de SNPs relacionados con enfermedades hereditarias en terneras Holando utilizando el panel GGP-BovineLDv3. [Genotyping of SNPs related to hereditary diseases in Holstein heifers using the GGP-BovineLDv3 panel.]
RESUMEN.- El objetivo de este estudio consistió en un relevamiento de las principales enfermedades hereditarias BLAD, DUMPs y Citrulinemia, en una población representativa de terneras Holando de la región este del Uruguay utilizando el panel GGP-BovineLDv3, así como en el análisis de la frecuencia del alelo mutante de BLAD desde que fue reportado por primera vez en Uruguay.
Microarrays application in life sciences:The beginning of the revolution.
Previous to Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), a different technology allowed science to drive through the roads of genetic analysis, the microarray technology. Shortly, microarrays consist of a grid of spots, with each spot containing single-stranded DNA sequences attached to a solid surface. For microarray analysis, the mRNA must be extracted from the sample and converted to a labeled cDNA strand, and later added to the microarray device.
Microarrays application in life sciences: The beginning of the revolution.
Previous to Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), a different technology allowed science to drive through the roads of genetic analysis, the microarray technology. Shortly, microarrays consist of a grid of spots, with each spot containing single-stranded DNA sequences attached to a solid surface. For microarray analysis, the mRNA must be extracted from the sample and converted to a labeled cDNA strand, and later added to the microarray device.
Correction:Permanent cover crop as a strategy to promote soil health and vineyard performance.
The original article has been corrected.
Correction: Permanent cover crop as a strategy to promote soil health and vineyard performance.
The original article has been corrected.
Permanent cover crop as a strategy to promote soil health and vineyard performance.
ABSTRACT.- Conventional viticulture involves a high use of inputs that negatively impact ecosystem services and biodiversity. Traditionally, vineyards are rainfed systems and vegetation is removed or sprayed with herbicides to avoid excessive competition for water and nutrients. Introducing cover crops can positively promote several ecosystem services and particularly soil and crop health and biodiversity.
Abundance and phylogenetic distribution of eight key enzymes of the phosphorus biogeochemical cycle in grassland soils.
Grassland biomes provide valuable ecosystem services, including nutrient cycling. Organic phosphorus (Po) represents more than half of the total P in soils. Soil microorganisms release organic P through enzymatic processes, with alkaline phosphatases, acid phosphatases and phytases being the key P enzymes involved in the cycling of organic P.
Review on ecological interactions of the Cochliomyia hominivorax fly and assessment of the possible impacts of its eradication in Uruguay. [Revisión de las interacciones ecológicas de la mosca Cochliomyia hominivorax y evaluación de los posibles impactos ecológicos de su erradicación en Uruguay]. [Revisão das interações ecológicas da mosca Cochliomyia hominivorax e avaliação dos possíveis impactos ecológicos de sua erradicação no Uruguai].
ABSTRACT.- Controlling a pest species raises questions about the harmful effects its eradication could cause in ecosystems. Currently, in Uruguay are being analyzed strategies to eradicate the New World Screwworm (NWS), Cochliomyia hominivorax (Diptera:Calliphoridae), an obligatory ectoparasite that causes myiasis in warm-blooded vertebrates, including humans. The loss of a species implies a risk of secondary extinctions and cascading effects that depend on the ecological function of the species and the capacity of the rest of the species with which it interacts to compensate for its loss.
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