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Lípidos, sodio y fibra dietética en harina de trigo y pan artesanal en Uruguay: aporte nutricional según recomendaciones para distintos grupos de población. [Lipids, sodium and dietary fiber in wheat flour and artisan bread in Uruguay: nutritional intake according to the recommendations for different population groups.]

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ABSTRACT. This research assessed the proportion of whole-wheat flour in whole-wheat bread relative to the level mandated by law, as well as the content of lipids (Lip) and sodium (Na) in French bread, and of Lip, Na and total dietary fiber (TDF) in whole-wheat bread made in bakeries in Montevideo and Canelones, Uruguay. The percentage ofNa and TDF using both Adequate Intakes (Als) and Tolerable Upper Intake levels (Uls) were estimated in reference to recommended daily quantities.

The occurrence of the Pear Psyllid, Cacopsylla bidens (Sulc, 1907) (insecta: Hemiptera: Psyllidae), in Uruguay

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ABSTRACT: The Pear Psyllid, Cacopsylla bidens (?ulc, 1907), is here reported from the Department of Canelones, the major region of pear production in Uruguay. Previous records of C. pyricola (Foerster, 1848) from Uruguay are misidentifications of C. bidens. Information is provided on the taxonomy and biology of this species. ©2017 Check List and Authors

Informing decisions and policy: the national agricultural information system of Uruguay. [Informando decisões e políticas: o sistema nacional de informação

agrícola do Uruguai].

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ABSTRACT. Agricultural production systems confront the challenge of achieving sustainable intensification, i.e., increase productivity without affecting the environment in ways that could compromise the development of future generations. In many developing countries the availability of information for assisting public and private stakeholders to achieve this goal is often not a critical limitation. Moving the relevant information from research institutes to extension agents, policy makers, agribusinesses and farmers has been a more frequent limitation.

El modelo KIM y su aplicación en Uruguay. Innovación abierta y transferencia de tecnología: los mercados globales y la lógica de las relaciones colaborativas.

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RESUMEN. Innovar se ha convertido en una necesidad de supervivencia. Es y será un factor clave de competitividad para las empresas, las regiones y la economía de los países. Sin embargo, hasta el momento, las políticas y estrategias de innovación se han focalizado en la promoción de la innovación y en la formación de profesionales. Esta estrategia se ha demostrado necesaria inicialmente pero insuficiente para responder con éxito a todos los nuevos retos y necesidades que presenta la economía del conocimiento.