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Liver function markers and haematological dynamics during acute and chronic phases of experimental Fasciola hepatica infection in cattle treated with triclabendazole.

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Abstract: Fasciola hepatica, a worldwide-distributed liver fluke, is one of the causative agents of fasciolosis, a zoonotic disease that affects livestock and humans. In livestock, fasciolosis causes huge economic losses worldwide, reducing animal fertility, milk production, weight gain and condemnation of livers. In spite of the availability of drugs, such as triclabendazole (TCZ), for the treatment of fasciolosis, they do not necessarily prevent liver damage or parasite reinfection and can eventually increase parasite resistance.

Genomic integration to identify molecular biomarkers associated with indicator traits of gastrointestinal nematode resistance in sheep.

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Abstract: This study aimed to integrate GWAS and structural variants to propose possible molecular biomarkers related to gastrointestinal nematode resistance traits in Santa Inês sheep. The phenotypic records FAMACHA, haematocrit, white blood cell count, red blood cell count, haemoglobin, platelets and egg counts per gram of faeces were collected from 700 naturally infected animals, belonging to four Brazilian flocks. A total of 576 animals were genotyped using the Ovine SNP12k BeadChip and were imputed using a reference population with Ovine SNP50 BeadChip.

Introgression of the coupled Fhb1-Sr2 to increase Fusarium head blight and stem rust resistance of elite wheat cultivars.

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Abstract: Fusarium head blight (FHB) and stem rust (SR) threaten the sustainability of wheat production worldwide. Fhb1 and Sr2 confer partial durable resistance to FHB and SR, respectively. Despite resistant alleles of both genes are linked in repulsion, lines with Fhb1-Sr2 in coupling were developed at the University of Minnesota, USA. Marker-assisted backcrossing was used to incorporate the coupled Fhb1-Sr2 into four elite INIA-Uruguay spring wheat varieties lacking both genes and expressing different levels of FHB and SR resistance.

Livestock systems preserving natural grasslands are biodiversity reservoirs that promote spiders' conservation.

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ABSTRACT.- Grasslands are endangered habitats through the world. Among its threats, land-use change has been recognized as one of the most important drivers of biodiversity decline. Sustainable livestock farming can be important conserving grasslands and preserving their biodiversity, and particularly in Uruguay are extensive and are carried out based on natural grasslands with little external management. However, in recent years there has been an increasing in land-use change, replacing natural grasslands with cultivated pastures, leading to a homogenization of the environments.

Application of a straightforward Mmthodology by LC-QqQ-MS/MS and GC-MS to ensure food safety of barley and wheat grain.

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ABSTRACT. A multiclass methodology to determine deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, and 13 widely used fungicides to control the main diseases in barley and wheat crops was optimized and validated. Three QuEChERS methods were compared in terms of recovery and repeatability. The recoveries of the validated method were in the 67-128% range for the selected compounds and relative standard deviations were below 20% according to Document SANTE No. 12682/2019. The limits of quantification (LOQs) were between 10 and 100 μg kg-1.

A data-driven methodological routine to identify key indicators for social-ecological system archetype mapping.

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ABSTRACT.- The spatial mapping of social-ecological system (SES) archetypes constitutes a fundamental tool to operationalize the SES concept in empirical research. Approaches to detect, map, and characterize SES archetypes have evolved over the last decade towards more integrative and comparable perspectives guided by SES conceptual frameworks and reference lists of variables. However, hardly any studies have investigated how to empirically identify the most relevant set of indicators to map the diversity of SESs.

Informe agroclimático 2022- Situación a Abril.

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Contenido. Síntesis de la Situación Agroclimática de Abril-- Perspectivas Climáticas Trimestrales elaboradas por el IRI de la Universidad de Columbia (Más información puede encontrarse en el sitio del IRI: -- Índice de Vegetación (NDVI) -- Precipitaciones -- Porcentaje de Agua Disponible (PAD) -- Agua No Retenida (ANR) -- Índice de Bienestar Hídrico (IBH) -- Perspectivas Climáticas May-Jun-Jul elaboradas por el IRI de la Universidad de Columbia. Destacamos para este mes:Previsión de temperaturas mínimas.

Comportamiento sanitario de cultivares y eficiencia de fungicidas para trigo y cebada. [Página web].

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?Con el fin de manejar las enfermedades en trigo y cebada, se dispone de la información de "Caracterización sanitaria de cultivares y de eficiencia de fungicidas para cada cultivo: 2022 - Eficiencia de Control de Curasemillas. 2022 - Eficiencia de Control de Fungicidas. 2022 - Caracterización Sanitaria de Cultivares.

Resultados experimentales de la evaluación nacional de cultivares de trigo ciclo intermedio: período 2021.

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Equipo de trabajo: INIA: Evaluación de Cultivares.Ing. Agr. (Ph.D.) Marina Castro. Ing. Agr. Santiago Manasliski(Ensayos regionales Young). Téc. Agríc. Gan. Ximena Morales-Asistente de Investigación Beatriz Castro-Téc. Univ. en TI Valeria Cardozo (Asistentes de Información y Proc. de datos). Protección Vegetal: Ing. Agr. (Ph.D.) Silvia Pereyra (fitopatología).Ing. Agr. (Ph.D.) Silvia Germán (Mej. por resistencia). Ing. Agr. (Ph.D.) Alejandro García (Malherbología). Tec. Agrop. Richard García (Mej. por resistencia). Tec. Lech. Néstor González (fitopatología). Tec. Agrop.