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Genome-wide analysis of Claviceps paspali: insights into the secretome of the main species causing ergot disease in Paspalum spp.

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ABSTRACT - Background: The phytopatogen Claviceps paspali is the causal agent of Ergot disease in Paspalum spp., which includes highly productive forage grasses such as P. dilatatum. This disease impacts dairy and beef production by affecting seed quality and producing mycotoxins that can affect performance in feeding animals. The molecular basis of pathogenicity of C. paspali remains unknown, which makes it more difficult to find solutions for this problem. Secreted proteins are related to fungi virulence and can manipulate plant immunity acting on different subcellular localizations.

Genome-wide analysis of Claviceps paspali:insights into the secretome of the main species causing ergot disease in Paspalum spp.

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ABSTRACT - Background:The phytopatogen Claviceps paspali is the causal agent of Ergot disease in Paspalum spp., which includes highly productive forage grasses such as P. dilatatum. This disease impacts dairy and beef production by affecting seed quality and producing mycotoxins that can affect performance in feeding animals. The molecular basis of pathogenicity of C. paspali remains unknown, which makes it more difficult to find solutions for this problem. Secreted proteins are related to fungi virulence and can manipulate plant immunity acting on different subcellular localizations.

Effect of sowing density on the productivity of a native grassland restored with Bromus auleticus. [Efecto de la densidad de siembra en la productividad de un campo natural restaurado con Bromus auleticus]. [Efeito da densidade de semeadura na productividade de um campo nativo restaurado com Bromus auleticus].

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ABSTRACT - High stocking rate livestock management has determined the decline of native species of high forage value as Bromus auleticus Trin ex Nees in the Campos region of the Rio de la Plata grasslands. The species has some agronomic and ecological characteristics that define it as of high potential to be reintroduced in degraded natural grasslands.However, Bromus auleticus has not been sufficiently described, since commercial seeds and infor-mation regarding the establishment phase are scarce.

Weed problems in Uruguayan agriculture: evolution and current situation.

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Summary: Uruguayan agriculture has undergone dramatic changes in the last 50 years driven by the adoption of new agricultural production systems that incorporate zero tillage and herbicide resistant crops. This has resulted in a shift in weed species frequencies and the dispersion of introduced herbicide resistant weed populations. Finally, integrated weed management tools are being developed by research and extension services to manage herbicide-resistant (HR) weeds better and to reduce environmental impact of herbicides.

Weed problems in Uruguayan agriculture:evolution and current situation.

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Summary:Uruguayan agriculture has undergone dramatic changes in the last 50 years driven by the adoption of new agricultural production systems that incorporate zero tillage and herbicide resistant crops. This has resulted in a shift in weed species frequencies and the dispersion of introduced herbicide resistant weed populations. Finally, integrated weed management tools are being developed by research and extension services to manage herbicide-resistant (HR) weeds better and to reduce environmental impact of herbicides.

2016-2020. ¿Qué orienta, motiva, logramos?

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CONTENIDO.- Qué es el Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (Jorge Sawchik, José Paruelo y Miguel Sierra) -- Ciencia para la producción sostenible. Reflexiones INIA en el marco de la elaboración de su Plan Estratégico Institucional 2021-2025. (Jorge Sawchik, José Paruelo y Miguel Sierra). -- SISTEMA GANADERO EXTENSIVO. Producir carne y lana de manera sostenible con una correcta documentación de su huella ambiental. (Gabriel Ciappesoni y Alejandro Horack). -- SISTEMA FORESTAL. Sanidad, sostenibilidad y diversificación productiva:tres prioridades del sector forestal.

Population genomic analysis of Aegilops tauschii identifies targets for bread wheat improvement.

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Abstract: Aegilops tauschii, the diploid wild progenitor of the D subgenome of bread wheat, is a reservoir of genetic diversity for improving bread wheat performance and environmental resilience. Here we sequenced 242 Ae. tauschii accessions and compared them to the wheat D subgenome to characterize genomic diversity. We found that a rare lineage of Ae. tauschii geographically restricted to present-day Georgia contributed to the wheat D subgenome in the independent hybridizations that gave rise to modern bread wheat.

Interactions between silicon and alkaloid defences in endophyte-infected grasses and the consequences for a folivore.

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Abstract: Grasses have developed a wide range of morphological and physiological mechanisms to resist herbivory. For instance, they accumulate silicon (Si) in tissue, as physical defence, and associate symbiotically with foliar Epichloë-endophytes that provide chemical defence via antiherbivore alkaloids. Recent evidence showed that some Epichloë-endophytes increase foliar Si in forage grasses; however, whether this impacts insect herbivores is unknown.