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Effect of sowing density on the productivity of a native grassland restored with Bromus auleticus. [Special Issue 25 Years Agrociencia]

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High stocking rate livestock management has determined the decline of native species of high forage value as Bromus auleticus Trin ex Nees in the Campos region of the Rio de la Plata grasslands. The species has some agronomic and ecological characteristics that define it as of high potential to be reintroduced in degraded natural grasslands. However, Bromus auleticus has not been sufficiently described, since commercial seeds and information regarding the establishment phase are scarce.

Performance of Eucalyptus tereticornis provenances in subtropical climate. [Special Issue 25 Years Agrociencia].

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Eucalyptus tereticornis has a wide natural geographic distribution from Papua New Guinea to South Australia (6º-38º S), therefore, it is expected the existence of important differences among provenances. Although differences in performance among provenances have been reported in several countries, the existing information is insufficient to allow the choice of the most appropriate provenance as a source of seeds for commercial plantations for humid subtropical climates. In order to evaluate the performance of 20 provenances of E.

Jornada Forestal zona Sureste.

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CONTENIDO.- 1.- Resumen de la información presentada en el Día de Campo Forestal anterior (abril de 2022). Gustavo Balmelli (INIA). -- 2.- Proyecto de Mejoramiento Genético mediante hibridación. Gustavo. Balmelli (INIA). -- 3.- Fósforo y Boro en plantaciones de Eucaliptos en Uruguay. M. Ferrando (FAGRO). -- 4.- Crecimiento de E. smithii y comparación con simulador SAG globulus. Rachid-Casnati (INIA). -- 5.- ¿Existe relación entre las propiedades del suelo y la muerte súbita de E. smithii?. M. Pérez (FAGRO), Cecilia Rachid-Casnati (INIA), Consorcio Forestal.

Evaluando el potencial del XP-GWAS en Eucalyptus; la heteroblastia foliar como caso de estudio. 354. (resúmen).

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En este trabajo evaluamos el potencial del método XP-GWAS (Extreme-Phenotype GWAS) para identificar genes candidatos subyacentes a un rasgo cuantitativo en Eucalyptus, utilizando como caso de estudio el momento en que se produce la heteroblastia foliar.

Economic analysis of alternatives for second rotations in Eucalyptus globulus plantations in southeast Uruguay. [Análisis económico de alternativas para la segunda rotación en plantaciones de Eucalyptus globulus en el sureste de Uruguay]. [Análise econômica de alternativas para a segunda rotação em plantações de Eucalyptus globulus no sudeste do Uruguai].

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ABSTRACT.- Eucalyptus globulus is one of the most planted forest species in Uruguay. However, its high susceptibility to diseases has determined that in recent years most plantations reaching harvest are replaced by other species, mainly E. dunnii and E. smithii. The decision whether to maintain the plantation for an additional rotation as coppice crop or to carry out a replanting depends on the expected economic results of both alternatives. Therefore, the objective of this research was to estimate the profitability of a coppice crop of E.

Forest health in the Southern Cone of America: state of the art and perspectives on regional efforts.

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The plantation and natural forests of South America have been highly impacted by native and exotic pests in recent decades. The interaction of emerging invasive pests, climate change, and timber markets will define the region?s forests, with significant but uncertain ecological changes and economic losses expected.