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Agradecimientos:A las diferentes autoridades de las instituciones participantes del proyecto INIA, FUCREA, FAGRO, CALCAR, SOFRILS, COLEME, SPLF, UTU - UTEC por apoyar este Proyecto durante el período 2017-2021 y en particular a los delegados de las mismas en la Comisión de Seguimiento del Proyecto, por su trabajo y contribuciones técnicas. Entre ellos a Carlos González, Andrés Barreira, Guillermo Fiol, Gustavo García, Eduardo Tornaría, Fabián Torres, Mauricio Rodríguez y Gustavo Alonso.

Agroecological consequences of silicon supplementation for a legume cultivation: Two-year-long field observations.

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ABSTRACT.- Supplementing plants with silicon (Si) often improves plant productivity and resilience to biotic and abiotic stresses, but this is mostly reported in highly controlled experimental environments. The ecological consequences of Si supplementation, including environmental benefits and potential risks, are therefore poorly understood and require field-scale evaluation of how Si supplementation affects the wider ecosystem, such as invertebrate communities and soil physicochemical properties.

Agroecological consequences of silicon supplementation for a legume cultivation:Two-year-long field observations.

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ABSTRACT.- Supplementing plants with silicon (Si) often improves plant productivity and resilience to biotic and abiotic stresses, but this is mostly reported in highly controlled experimental environments. The ecological consequences of Si supplementation, including environmental benefits and potential risks, are therefore poorly understood and require field-scale evaluation of how Si supplementation affects the wider ecosystem, such as invertebrate communities and soil physicochemical properties.

Assessing the effect of split and additional late N fertilisation on N economy of maize.

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ABSTRACT.- Context:In the temperate-humid region of Argentina, nitrogen (N) fertilisers in maize (Zea mays L.) are mainly applied around sowing, whereas N-splitting is rare and occurs during early vegetative stages. Splitting and late N fertilisation, even up to silking (R1), effects on yield have been recently studied. However, to the extent of our knowledge, these studies have mainly focused on the effect of these strategies on maize yield, but less on the crop N economy.

First record of Soybean Stem Fly Melanagromyza sojae (Zehntner, 1901) (Diptera, Agromyzidae) in Uruguay confirmed by DNA barcoding.

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ABSTRACT.- Colloquially known as Soybean Stem Fly, Melanagromyza sojae (Zehntner, 1901) (Diptera, Agro-myzidae) is an oligophagous pest of plants in the family Fabaceae, including Uruguay?s biggest commodity crop, Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). To our knowledge, this is the first scientific record of M. sojae in Uruguay, and we confirm its identity through using DNA barcoding. Characteristic damage to host plants and immature stages of M. sojae were confirmed in Dolores and Colonia, Uruguay. © The authors.