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Corriedale apuesta fuerte por el ambiente. Primera prueba de eficiencia y emisiones de metano de carneros comerciales.

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Este 2022 quedará como un hito para la mejora genética de la raza Corriedale en Uruguay. Por primera vez se comenzó a registrar en carneros de cabañas comerciales características de gran importancia económica y de impacto ambiental como lo son la eficiencia de conversión de alimento y las emisiones de metano. Estas características son de las más estudiadas últimamente a nivel internacional encontrándose nuestro país en la vanguardia tanto en los protocolos utilizados como en el número de animales registrados.

Resultados de la Evaluación Global.

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En 1994, con el objetivo de poder comparar el mérito genético de carneros "entre" cabañas, se pone en funcionamiento la primera Central de Prueba de Progenie (CPP) para la raza Corriedale, "Dr. Alberto Gallinal" que se desarrolla en la estancia El Tornero. En 1995 se suma una segunda CPP, "Dr. Pedro A. Narbondo" que se desarrolla en la estancia La Tapera, siendo actualmente la única operativa.

Microarrays application in life sciences: The beginning of the revolution.

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Previous to Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), a different technology allowed science to drive through the roads of genetic analysis, the microarray technology. Shortly, microarrays consist of a grid of spots, with each spot containing single-stranded DNA sequences attached to a solid surface. For microarray analysis, the mRNA must be extracted from the sample and converted to a labeled cDNA strand, and later added to the microarray device.

Microarrays application in life sciences:The beginning of the revolution.

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Previous to Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), a different technology allowed science to drive through the roads of genetic analysis, the microarray technology. Shortly, microarrays consist of a grid of spots, with each spot containing single-stranded DNA sequences attached to a solid surface. For microarray analysis, the mRNA must be extracted from the sample and converted to a labeled cDNA strand, and later added to the microarray device.

Reconciling the design of livestock production systems and the preservation of ecosystems.

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The global growth of meat-based protein consumption is forcing the intensification and development of livestock and farming systems, with long-term consequences for natural systems and resources. The impacts associated with livestock systems include land-use change, global warming, power, and water consumption, and plenty of interdependent issues affecting mutually anthropogenic and natural ecosystems. Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Catálogo de cultivares de nogal Pecán (Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch) evaluados en INIA - Uruguay.

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El Programa Nacional de Investigación en Producción Frutícola de INIA viene considerando desde el año 2007 el potencial de desarrollo del cultivo frutícola comercial del nogal americano o pecán. Dado el potencial identificado para este rubro en el país, y la falta de conocimiento sobre el manejo del cultivo y su comportamiento en nuestras condiciones, el primer paso para comenzar las investigaciones en pecán fue instalar un ensayo comparativo de cultivares.

Crop load management on apples: alternatives to carbaryl and an organic thinning option on the Uruguay conditions. [Conference paper].

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ABSTRACT.- Apple trees set many more fruit than desired, requiring a crop load adjustment to achieve acceptable fruit size in the season and an adequate return bloom, thus avoiding biennial bearing. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different plant growth regulators as 6-benzyladenine (6-BA) and naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) sprays and lime sulfur (LS) in apple thinning. Two trials were carried out in Uruguay on 2020/2021 growing season in 'Gala Baigent' and 'Rosy Glow' apples, respectively. Productive and quality parameters were evaluated.

Crop load management on apples:alternatives to carbaryl and an organic thinning option on the Uruguay conditions. [Conference paper].

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ABSTRACT.- Apple trees set many more fruit than desired, requiring a crop load adjustment to achieve acceptable fruit size in the season and an adequate return bloom, thus avoiding biennial bearing. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different plant growth regulators as 6-benzyladenine (6-BA) and naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) sprays and lime sulfur (LS) in apple thinning. Two trials were carried out in Uruguay on 2020/2021 growing season in 'Gala Baigent' and 'Rosy Glow' apples, respectively. Productive and quality parameters were evaluated.

Bioprospection of naturalized soybean-nodulating Bradyrhizobium strains in Uruguayan soils:a genetic and symbiotic approach.

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ABSTRACT.- Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), an economically relevant crop, establishes a symbiotic association with rhizobia to obtain nitrogen (N2) from the air by biological nitrogen fixation with important benefits. In Uruguay inoculants formulated with two strains, Bradyrhizobium elkanii U1301 and U1302, are recommended since 1984. Besides that, the study of native-naturalized rhizobia populations is relevant because these strains could compete with applied inoculants and may present a better symbiotic efficiency.

Bioprospection of naturalized soybean-nodulating Bradyrhizobium strains in Uruguayan soils: a genetic and symbiotic approach.

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ABSTRACT.- Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), an economically relevant crop, establishes a symbiotic association with rhizobia to obtain nitrogen (N2) from the air by biological nitrogen fixation with important benefits. In Uruguay inoculants formulated with two strains, Bradyrhizobium elkanii U1301 and U1302, are recommended since 1984. Besides that, the study of native-naturalized rhizobia populations is relevant because these strains could compete with applied inoculants and may present a better symbiotic efficiency.