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Revista INIA Uruguay. (N° 68, Marzo 2022).

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INFORME ESPECIAL UNIDAD GRAS:información, productos y herramientas parala toma de decisiones. CONTENIDO:INIA POR DENTRO:Entrevista a Georgget Banchero. -- Conozcamos el proyecto de reciclaje REPAPEL. -- Día Internacional de la Mujer. -- PRODUCCIÓN ANIMAL:Estrés calórico en un sistema de ordeñe voluntario bajo pastoreo. -- Proyecto SMARTER. -- Eficiencia de uso de suplementos energético-proteicos en vacunos en invierno sobre campo natural. -- ARROZ-GANADERÍA: Efecto residual de los herbicidas utilizados en arroz Clearfield sobre la implantación de pastura en sucesión.

Comparative genomics of plant pathogenic Diaporthe species and transcriptomics of Diaporthe caulivora during host infection reveal insights into pathogenic strategies of the genus.

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ABSTRACT. - Background:Diaporthe caulivora is a fungal pathogen causing stem canker in soybean worldwide. The generation of genomic and transcriptomic information of this ascomycete, together with a comparative genomic approach with other pathogens of this genus, will contribute to get insights into the molecular basis of pathogenicity strategies used by D. caulivora and other Diaporthe species. Results:In the present work, the nuclear genome of D. caulivora isolate (D57) was resolved, and a comprehensive annotation based on gene expression and genomic analysis is provided.

Postharvest sour rot control in lemon fruit by natamycin and an Allium extract.

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ABSTRACT. - Citrus sour rot caused by Geotrichum citri-aurantii is one of the most important postharvest diseases in citrus fruit, causing huge economic losses. Traditionally, it has been controlled by the postharvest application of guazatine and propiconazole fungicides, but restrictions in their use make it urgent to find an alternative for sour rot management. Natamycin, a common food preservative, and the organosulfuric compounds extracted from Allium species are safe food additives that control different foodborne pathogens.

Informe agroclimático 2022- Situación a Febrero.

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Contenido. Síntesis de la Situación Agroclimática de Febrero-- Perspectivas Climáticas Trimestrales elaboradas por el IRI de la Universidad de Columbia (Más información puede encontrarse en el sitio del IRI: -- Índice de Vegetación (NDVI) -- Precipitaciones -- Porcentaje de Agua Disponible (PAD) -- Agua No Retenida (ANR) -- Índice de Bienestar Hídrico (IBH) -- Perspectivas Climáticas Mar-Abr-May elaboradas por el IRI de la Universidad de Columbia. Destacamos para este mes:Monitoreo APAR.


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Abstract: The incidence of physiological disorders originating during postharvest handling and storage in citrus fruits have been for many years, and will continue to be, one of the main factors that negatively impacts fruit quality, accounting for significant financial losses. Postharvest physiological disorders of citrus fruit, in most cases, affect mainly the peel and manifest as injuries, pitting, darkening of the tissue, and browning, whereas the pulp, which is a physiologically separate unit of the fruit, remains unaffected.