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The impact of sensory attributes of mandarins on consumer perception and preferences.

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ABSTRACT.- Although the sensory characterization of mandarins has usually been performed by trained assessors, in recent years, the methodologies that depict sensory descriptions from the perception of consumers, such as the check-all-that-apply (CATA) questionnaires have become very popular. In this work, an exploratory study was first carried out using a focus group (FG) technique to determine attributes and aspects that influence the decision to purchase mandarins. Secondly, the consumer panel recruited 100 regular mandarin consumers that were randomly divided into two groups.

Informe agroclimático 2022- Situación a Enero.

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Contenido. Síntesis de la Situación Agroclimática de Enero-- Perspectivas Climáticas Trimestrales elaboradas por el IRI de la Universidad de Columbia (Más información puede encontrarse en el sitio del IRI: -- Índice de Vegetación (NDVI) -- Precipitaciones -- Porcentaje de Agua Disponible (PAD) -- Agua No Retenida (ANR) -- Índice de Bienestar Hídrico (IBH) -- Perspectivas Climáticas Feb-Mar-Abr elaboradas por el IRI de la Universidad de Columbia. Destacamos para este mes:Balance hídrico de cultivos.

Nutritional quality and nutraceutical potential of fruits and vegetables as a tool for genetic breeding programs. [Calidad nutricional y potencial nutracéutico de frutas y hortalizas como herramientas para elmejoramiento genético.]. [Qualidade nutricional e potencial nutracêutico de frutas e vegetais como ferramentas de melhoramento genético.]

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ABSTRACT.- Prevention of the development of chronic diseases related to metabolic syndrome has been found to depend on a healthy diet. Among healthy foods, fruits and vegetables play a very important role due to their nutrient content, especially antioxidants, vitamins and polyphenols. For 20 years, INIA has promoted the concept of quality asso-ciated to the differentiation of products in the fruit and horticultural sectors, considering aspects not only linked to the organoleptic qualities, but also the production processes that ensure food safety and nutritional contribu-tion.

Fruits and vegetables production in Uruguay in light of the FAO International Year of Fruits and Vegetables. Editorial. [Producción de frutas y hortalizas en Uruguay a la luz del Año Internacional de las Frutas y las Verduras de la FAO.]. [Produção de frutas e verduras no Uruguai em função do ano internacional das frutas e verduras da FAO.].

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En adhesión al Año Internacional de las Frutas y las Verduras, y reafirmando su importancia, Agrocien-cia Uruguay decide publicar una edición especial con trabajos referidos a los principales desafíos en la producción, la comercialización y el consumo de frutas y hortalizas en Uruguay.La definición de Naciones Unidas tiene como obje-tivo sensibilizar, atraer la atención de las políticas y compartir las buenas prácticas en relación con:los beneficios nutricionales del consumo de frutas y verduras; la contribución de estas a dietas y estilos de vida diversificados, equilibrad

Celebrando el año internacional de las frutas y verduras. Celebrating the International year of fruits and vegetables].

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Las Naciones Unidas declararon el año 2021 como el Año Internacional de las Frutas y Verduras. Agrociencia Uruguay consideró oportuna la edición de un número especial conmemorando esta iniciativa y contribuyendo a la difusión de información científica sobre el aporte de estos cultivos y alimentos

The impact of irrigation on olive fruit yield and oil quality in a humid climate.

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ABSTRACT.- The expansion of olive orchards into regions with no tradition of olive production and humid climates, such as Uruguay, with more than 1200 mm of annual rainfall, calls into question the need for irrigation. In these regions, however, years with water deficit during summers are quite common. The vapor pressure deficit during summer is lower than in countries with a Mediterranean climate.

Nursery performance of potentially promising rootstocks for citriculture in the south of Brazil. [Desempenho em viveiro de porta-enxertos potencialmente promissores para a citricultura do sul do Brasil.]

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ABSTRACT.- Diversification of rootstock varieties, with consequent reduction in phytosanitary risks, has great importance to the sustainability of citrus cultivation in the south of Brazil. This study evaluated the performance of 42 rootstocks in the nursery phase to generate ?Valencia Late? sweet orange seedlings. Therefore, nucellar seedlings from the rootstocks under study were analyzed in relation to plant height, stem diameter, mortality rate and percentage of bud set after grafting. The experimental design was completely randomized with four replications of 20 sample units.

Chilling requirement of four peach cultivars estimated by changes in flower bud weights. *

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ABSTRACT.- The adaptation of temperate fruit crops is a challenge being increased by the global warming. Chilling requirement is a key factor for adaptation. The objective of this study was to estimate the chilling requirement of peach cultivars BRS Bonão, Esmeralda, Granada and Eragil, using the Tabuenca test. Chilling accumulation was computed using four different chilling hour (? 7.2 ºC and ? 11 ºC) models; and chill units using the Low Chill model and the Taiwan model. The fresh bud weight and bud water contents were also evaluated.