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Guía metodológica para la sistematización de experiencias de investigación participativa de los proyectos Más tecnologías.

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Esta guía pretende servir de apoyo para el registro y la posterior sistematización de la experiencia de investigación participativa, relevando las opiniones de todos los actores involucrados, principalmente de productores y productoras familiares, en las distintas etapas del proceso.

Transferable Resistance to Highest Priority Critically Important Antibiotics for Human Health in Escherichia coli Strains Obtained From Livestock Feces in Uruguay. (Brief Research Report Article).

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Abstract:The aim of this work was to detect Escherichia coli isolates displaying resistance to oxyimino-cephalosporins, quinolones, and colistin in feces from livestock in Uruguay. During 2016?2019, fecal samples from 132 broiler and layer chicken flocks, 100 calves, and 50 pigs, were studied in Uruguay. Samples were cultured on MacConkey Agar plates supplemented with ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone, or colistin. E. coli isolates were identified by mass spectrometry and antibiotic susceptibility testing was performed by disk diffusion agar method and colistin agar test.

Mobilizing ecological processes for herbivore production:farmers and researchers learning together.

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ABSTRACT. Grazing plays a key role in reducing the external inputs required for ruminant production and in alleviating feed-food competition. Beyond the production of meat and milk, grassland-based systems provide a wide range of ecosystem services. Agroecology and organic farming aim to reconcile natural resource management and food production, in the long term, based on the management of ecological processes.

Mobilizing ecological processes for herbivore production: farmers and researchers learning together.

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ABSTRACT. Grazing plays a key role in reducing the external inputs required for ruminant production and in alleviating feed-food competition. Beyond the production of meat and milk, grassland-based systems provide a wide range of ecosystem services. Agroecology and organic farming aim to reconcile natural resource management and food production, in the long term, based on the management of ecological processes.

Apicultura en montes de eucalyptus spp. Informe especial.

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La apicultura en montes de Eucalyptus grandis constituye una práctica con potencial para aumentar sensiblemente los rendimientos productivos. Mediante un abordaje colaborativo, INIA junto a otras instituciones y apicultores buscan respuestas que permitan enfrentar los principales desafíos y capitalizar las oportunidades que se presentan en este sector.

Miércoles 04.11.2020 - Viernes 06.11.2020
INIA La Estanzuela
INIA Las Brujas
INIA Salto Grande
INIA Tacuarembó
INIA Treinta y Tres
INIA Dirección Nacional
Inscripciones abiertas
Miércoles 04.11.2020 - Viernes 06.11.2020
INIA La Estanzuela
INIA Las Brujas
INIA Salto Grande
INIA Tacuarembó
INIA Treinta y Tres
INIA Dirección Nacional
Inscripciones abiertas