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Explorando la eficiencia de conversión del alimento en ovinos en Uruguay.

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En los últimos 15 años se ha generado en Uruguay un importante cúmulo de información asociada al valor genético de los animales y cómo la utilización de animales "superiores" impacta favorablemente en los sistemas de producción. A nivel nacional, los programas de evaluación genética ovina han estado focalizados en las variables productivas que impactan en el ingreso económico del sistema (ej. diámetro de la fibra, peso de vellón y peso corporal).

PL-3 Pass, present and future of Merino in Argentina and Uruguay. [conference abstract].

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Merino breed in Uruguay:The Merino breed was introduced to Uruguay in the 19th century (1875) when a family of Basque-French immigrants arrived in the country with their flock. In 1901, the first pedigree imports were recorded in the Rural Association of Uruguay (ARU, 2021). Imports of pedigree animals from Argentina began in 1903, in 1911 from the USA and in 1924 the first rams were imported from Australia. The Australian variety was imported to Uruguay through two English companies based in Argentine Patagonia.

Genomic evaluation of commercial herds with different pedigree structures using the single-step genomic BLUP in Nelore cattle.

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The aim of this work was to evaluate the impact of applying genomic information in pedigree uncertainty situations on genetic evaluations for growth- and cow productivity-related traits in Nelore commercial herds. Records for accumulated cow productivity (ACP) and adjusted weight at 450 days of age (W450) were used, as well as genotypes of registered and commercial herd animals, genotyped with the Clarifide Nelore 3.1 panel (~29,000 SNPs).

Genomic regions associated with wool, growth and reproduction traits in Uruguayan Merino Sheep.

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The aim of this study was to identify genomic regions and genes associated with the fiber diameter (FD), clean fleece weight (CFW), live weight (LW), body condition score (BCS), pregnancy rate (PR) and lambing potential (LP) of Uruguayan Merino sheep. Phenotypic records of approximately 2000 mixed-age ewes were obtained from a Merino nucleus flock. Genome-wide association studies were performed utilizing single-step Bayesian analysis. For wool traits, a total of 35 genomic windows surpassed the significance threshold (PVE > 0.25%).

Pseudomonas spp. associated with tomato pith necrosis in the Salto area, Northwest Uruguay.

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Pseudomonas spp. isolates were collected from tomato plants showing symptoms of pith necrosis during the 2017 and 2018 seasons in the Salto Department, northwest Uruguay. According to physiological, biochemical tests and multilocus phylogenetic analysis (gyrB, rpoD, and rpoB), 25 were characterized as P. mediterranea, five as P. viridiflava, three as P. corrugata, and one as P. marginalis. All of them produced necrotic lesions and pith hollowing in re-inoculated tomato plants. Some P.

Herbivore-dependent induced volatiles in pear plants cause differential attractive response by Lacewing Larvae.

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Biological control may benefit from the behavioral manipulation of natural enemies using volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Among these, herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) provide potential tools for attracting or retaining predators and parasitoids of insect pests.