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Insights to the host range of the flea beetle Disonycha argentinensis Jacoby, 1992 (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae), a candidate biological control agent of alligator weed in the U.S.A.

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ABSTRACT.- Alligator weed, Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. (Amaranthaceae) is an aggressive invader in waterways and pastures throughout most of the southeastern U.S.A., and California. Three insect biological control agents have provided substantial control of aquatic A. philoxeroides in the warmer parts of its range in the U.S.A. However, these insects are less effective against A. philoxeroides in riparian-terrestrial habitats.

Nutrient addition to a subtropical rangeland:effects on animal productivity, trophic efficiency, and temporal stability.

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ABSTRACT.- A comprehensive understanding of how native grasslands (rangelands) respond to chronic nutrient addition requires considering interactions with climate variability, water availability in particular, and with stocking rate management. We assessed animal production responses to phosphorus plus nitrogen fertilization sustained over a decade on a highly diverse subtropical grassland. ©2024 The Society for Range Management. Published by Elsevier Inc.

Effects of nitrogen sources on primary and secondary production from Annual Temperate and Tropical Pastures in Southern Brazil.

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ABSTRACT.- Improvements in nitrogen use efficiency can be achieved through fertilizer management strategies that capitalize on nutrient synergies. However, limited research on synergies between nitrogen, sulfur, and calcium complicates understanding causal links and developing sustainable management. In this regard, the effects of different nitrogen sources on productivity and nitrogen use efficiency in Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.)), along with their impacts on forage quality and secondary production, were investigated.

CRONOSOJA:a daily time-step hierarchical model predicting soybean development across maturity groups in the Southern Cone.

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ABSTRACT.- Accurate prediction of phenology is the most critical aspect for the development of models aimed at estimating seed yield, particularly in species that exhibit variable sensitivity to environmental factors throughout the cycle and among genotypes. With this purpose, we evaluated the phenology of 34 soybean varieties in field experiments located in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay.

Revista INIA Uruguay. (N° 77, Junio 2024).

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Caracterización productiva de núcleos INIA de las razas Corriedale, Merino y Dohne. Descubra éste y otros contenidos para diferentes sistemas productivos:Majadas conectadas genéticamente; Evaluación genética por raza; Núcleos informativos para nuevas tecnologías. CONTENIDO:INIA POR DENTRO:Visita de la viceministra de alimentación y agricultura germana y su delegación. -- 25 años de Revista Agrociencia Uruguay. -- HORTIFRUTICULTURA:Análisis rápido de suelo a nivel de predio por el método de dilución 1:2.

Degradación de las interacciones micorrícicas en pastizales como mecanismo de invasión de Cynodon dactylon. [resumen]

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En Uruguay el campo natural (CN) representa el sustento de la ganadería extensiva. Entre las prácticas de intensificación productiva, se encuentran los mejoramientos extensivos (CNM; fertilización con fósforo y siembra de leguminosas) para incrementar la calidad de forraje. E

El microbioma agrícola. [coordinadores Sesión trabajo 1].

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La agricultura moderna convencional ha experimentado procesos de intensificación y especialización asociados a un aumento del uso de energía fósil por el incremento en el uso de agroquímicos, mecanización y riego. El microbioma agrícola es clave en la transición hacia sistemas agrícolas sostenibles. En esta sección se presentarán algunos avances de la comunidad científica en el estudio y comprensión del microbioma agrícola.